Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Although many of us go about our day sometimes with complete disregard for time, I think it is safe to say that we do not get back the time that has passed us by.  How many times don’t we say that there aren’t enough hours in a day or the complete opposite, we feel like the day is never going to end.  What’s interesting is that in reality, time is moving at the same speed it always has and far more interesting, is that there are billions of activities and conversations all happening at the same time around the globe.
 Twitter is a great example of how things happen in stellar time.  I was never an avid user of Twitter; as a matter of fact, I only started using Twitter recently.  However, what I have observed the last few days is that people are interchangeably linked in some way.  Several hot topics mentioned were topics that shared the common interest of many, such topics as the Baseball World Series and college life.  These topics connected individuals because the topics opened up relative conversations.
In stellar time, the events or scenarios that occur, intermingle with one another and affect our daily lives; almost like a cause and effect.  On Twitter, the ‘tweets’ posted start with one simple comment then evolve into full blown conversations.  Someone may post one thing about the Baseball World Series and from that, depending on who posted it and how outrageous the comment may sound, the tweets can go into the hundreds, thousands, or even millions.  Tweets form their own revolutions, sometimes with one group supporting a specific tweet while another group is against the topic being discussed.
Personally, I do not allow for other people’s comments or expressed moods dictate how I may feel about a particular subject.  However, I do understand how media can have such a strong impact on people’s daily lives and how it contributes to forming one’s own opinion. 

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