Thursday, October 29, 2009

Twitter and Hypertext

At the beginning, Twitter was just an interesting website. However, it did turn out to be like a vent for me. I would want to make a post if there was something funny or I don't particular enjoy. It turn out to be a place I can literally vomit in anytime.

Clearly, people who uses twitter normally complain about their life mostly. And people who post new tweets at any time of the day and about anything of the day. Such acts can be categorized by entropic time. Where peopless complex emotions and the desire to share just comes out of nowhere.

A common thing that I obersved it that when there is bad weather. Everyone would normally comment on it. Which means that at ceratain days and particular times we would share the same feelings towards the same thing. Even though we did not knew each other or at the same place it is interesting who we can connect with one or another. Such acts are closer to teleiological time, when certain events can lead to a predicted behavior.

The third I obeserved was that peoples life are normally guided by a schedule. And one things leads to another. By going to work or school we have assignments that are assigned everyday. There are goals that we all are striving to. It is like playing a game, and every so often when we have enough experience we level up and go off to a harder place to level up. Stellar time can be observed when people are talking about what they have to do all day and the day after.

Although I think my life is very orderly like any other classmates of mine, I believe my tweeter showed that my life events are leaning more towards completely random and chaotic. There are many reason that leads my life so. Firstly, I live by myself therefore life is unorgnized to begin with. My parents are in Taiwan, so basically I govern and have control of my own freedom. Secondly, I am not too good with remembering what events are happening. They usually just come up and suddenly I am jus over flowed with work. Or suddenly I have to go somewhere because I forgot about I had to go. And Finally the two compenents add up results an fun and random life that I go through.

During the week that I used tweet I found it very interesting to search peoples tweet by filtering them by the word "FML". Only people whose tweet contains the word "FML" would show up. And all the tweets that showed up were funny or sad incidents that happened to them today.

Tthe sense of continious cycle of different possiablities came to mind when I read the Forking path txt. The geocities link to the hyper txt did not work so I just plainly read the online txt version. It seemed like Borges was explaining with the story about time how time and events can be circular and free flowing. How the time forkes and there could be different outcomes in every way we look look or decided to do things. The complications with time and the future reminds me of the matrix in a way which everybody life is intertwine but set. However even though it is set if you were the one who knows about what is real or what is not you could change your future. This whole things makes me think about faith in life. Even we do not know what to expect next, and whether the choices we make in life are the right ones. The importance is appreciaiton while you have faith in what you do.

It is much easier to say than to actually do that, but I have always been trying even when the outcome was not an happy ending. Hopefully an end is a new start for something else.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Twitter and Time

Twitter is one of the most popular and fastest growing social websites around and being on twitter was at first a sort of weird experience. Here was I reading about not only what my friends were up to or doing but also about what people I’ve never met were doing or experiencing in their daily lives all around the world. What struck me most of all was the great emotional bond we all share. No matter where you are or who you are, we are after all the same. In our daily lives we go through at the same or different times the same emotions - joy, sadness, worry and we all ultimately search for love. We want to be loved. And as such we are affected by what happen in and around us. Our state of happiness and sadness are indeed depends on what happen around us. When a close relative or friend is sad or happy, I too share the sadness or happiness. And this is strongly manifested on twitter. As I go through the daily updates from my friends and close ones I experience different emotional states. Thus in a way being on twitter we are actually governed to a large extent by stellar time. Our state of being depends on the intermingling of events in our daily lives. The other day I decided to go on a picnic trip with my cousin who lives in a nearby block. I was in a very high spirit and looking forward to the trip. While waiting for my cousin I decided to browse on the net. Alas! The first update I saw on twitter was a warning for picnic goers to be more alert as a body of a girl who had gone on a picnic trip was found that very morning. My mood straight away took a downward flight. We were so upset about it that in the end we had to cancel the trip. If I had not read that piece of news at that time we’d probably have had a joyful experience that day. That is stellar time for you. One can’t escape it.
The hypertext like time is beyond a definite comprehension. It can be subjected to different interpretations. We all in our different ways give definite meaning to our times. Time in itself has no beginning nor an end as the hypertext is. Time can be our enemy as well as our friend. In the end it all depends on how best we make use of the time available to us. The designer was trying to portray the timelessness of time. It has been there, it is there now and it will always be there, irrespective of what we actually go through.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I read a tweet that the person didnt know what to do during the day. I beleive this person lives in Teleological Time. Why? because he probably needs something to happen to him in order to make plans for the day. He needs a motive. I beleive most of us lives in a teleological time. Many times I do things derived from others.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Twitter, life, time and prospectives

Twitter! Every time I see the name of that website, it reminds me of tweety the little yellow bird that was my favorite character with when I was a little girl, and already put a smile on my face. When I was in elementary school back in my country, my life used to be in the teleological time because it was almost the same routine which is to wake up, get ready to go to school, eat my breakfast , go to school, eat my lunch, come back to school, study and do my homework, and finally go to bed. The next morning would be the same schedule. Besides certain moments with my family and friends, I was pretty much a robot repeating the same thing every day.
When I got to High School, I decided to run my life in a way that pleases me which is the chaotic time. I think that random things happening in my life is the best way for me to have a good memory of my life and not regretting anything, any decisions that I’ve made. For me the chaotic time is a fun way to live my life, therefore I usually made something exciting happening into my life. I made new friends, and did random things everyday like not doing my homework so that I could get kick out of class (that was the system in my school), or say some funny jokes that will make the whole class laugh or get in trouble as much as possible. I even had fights with the girls in my school (I attended a private catholic school). I was known as the most turbulent student in my school. Now, when I look at my past I laugh at it and remember everything because these moments are engraved in my memory. When I graduated High School I decided to do something new and explore the world. I had two alternatives either going to France or New York. But as New York is known for the party life, I decided to come over here. Now that I’ve been living in New York, I think that I could fall in the teleological time again because this is the life in New York though; most people are always rushing because they don’t want to miss the bus or they’re trying to catch the elevator to get to work on time. Most of them prioritized work over everything. Well I always told myself that “I work to live but I don’t live to work”. I’m not saying that work is not important because why do I go to school for? I go to school to gain knowledge in order to get a good job to be financially independent. But it is just part of my life, not my entire life for God’s sake. I still live in the chaotic time. I go to school, I do work but I do try to make something new happen in my life, this is why my friends usually call me the spontaneous or crazy girl. I have fun and take care of my business at the same time... However, sometimes my life goes back to the teleological and stellar time but I do something random to put just a little spice in my life. I don’t want when I’m a senior to look back at my life and asking myself what I did with it. To go back to Twitter, I think it helps people to put themselves in the chaotic time, even the stellar time, because sometimes people who are afraid to speak express themselves via this social networking site. You find very interesting things and feelings on people’s post. It’s the best way to get in contact with family, friends and other people that you have lost contact with. Twitter changes the life of people which could put these people in the stellar time because it brings those back memories and also happiness by getting in touch with family or friends. I got in touch with people that I thought I would never get in touch with. I was also affected by what peers were writing because I often was in the same situation.

For me, Borges’ garden of forking paths was a very challenging hypertext because I had to go over it many times to understand what the author is trying to explain. He emphasizes on time which is different context for everybody. It was really informative and I think that from it each and everybody can draw on conclusion on how time has affected their lives. About me, this says that life is what you make of your time and how you see the world itself according to perspectives that comes across daily life. Yes, I do find myself running in circle and having any clue where to stop or where to begin. The words which attracts me to this story is “Precisely," said Albert. "The Garden of Forking Paths is an enormous riddle, or parable, whose theme is time. These words really caught my attention.

Time of My Life

When I sit down and think of my day, its definitely in a linear fashion. I'm in the financial field; my work day is dictated by the opening and closing bells, an audible signal of the beginning and end of my work day. Because my days are so highly scheduled, racing from home to work and from work to make the train and from the train to class and back, it's hard for me to view my day as anything else. I could wax poetic about how a decision last summer has drastically transformed my everyday life today, but I would probably miss my train while my head is in the clouds.
At home, I work on something called "Michael Joseph" time. Michael is my 6 month old son. He tells us when we go to sleep, how long we sleep and when it's time to get up and play. One of the hardest things about parenting is your time is no longer yours. You play by someone else's rules. Looking at my twitter posts, I think it accurately reflects my state of mind and how I percieve time....slipping through my fingers, always trying to catch up and being pulled in a million different directions. Someone else posted something called "Twitter Time". I think these social networking sites have created their own timelines so that one could look back at their lives as an amalgum of their tweets and status updates.
Its interesting. When I look at my present day to day, as I said, it's in a linear fashion. But, when I look at my history, my life up until this point, it is in stellar time, where things blend into one another and the colors of my days blend to create the hues of my nights. I also feel like while my life feels so interconnected and cyclical, when I think of worldwide time and the time of our collective pasts, presents and futures, it does feel completely chaotic and random.

Twitter and time..

By checking all twitters ( including mine) I do believe we mainly run our lives on Teleological time. Most people start their days knowing how they will look like, for example, I know that every Tuesday I have to go to work, school and then go home, there are not surprises on this day unless something chaotic happens which can change half or my whole schedule. Personally, I think we all need some chaotic time in our lives in order to have a balance on it. Imaging living a perfect life where everything goes as planned and nothing disturbs our schedule? It will be so boring!! People would turn into robots doing the same thing over and over; people would not know how to confront problems and little troubles can turn into something big.
As for the Garden of Forking Paths Hypertext, it is trying to convey that there is not true beginning or end in a story and that life is a circle where one action leads to another one. I agree with this concept because most people are always looking to accomplish more and more in life, for example, having a better car, education or house. Therefore, what we may think would make us happy and settle down suddenly can become the beginning of a new story; like when people finish their college education (Bachelor Degree) most people are already thinking about going for a master or some especial degrees. This is how life is a circle where the finish of a chapter is the beginning of a new one. In addition, the word that caught my attention the most was "Future." This word makes me realize how our lives revolve around our future. How our future controls our present and how we forget about enjoying the present because we are always thinking about a better tomorrow.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tweeter-- the adventure beings

Before signing up for tweeter I was in own world, not knowing there is so much I am missing out there. Tweeter, face book and the other forms of social networking sites, i never thought of them of as a means of communication. Now i am involve i see how much i can learn for other peoples life. Through tweeter you see how people spend there time, and see what is important to them for that day or overall. we all use our time similarly in one way or another. we live somewhat of on stellar time, which sometime lead into teleological time and hopefully we try to stay away from the chaotic time which most of the time we try avoid.

The decision we make in our live some, if not most of the time, dictate the time we fall into. Has Borges explained that when we make decisions it leads into more decision so we spend all our lives making decision, our live is like a maze, never ending. We get up in the morning, we make the decision to leave the house or stay in and from that point on we are making decisions until we are back home and in bed again. So even though we live our live in differ state of time we all decide that state of time until we are a thrown a curve ball and we welcome in chaos.

what we look at has normal for us may be chaos for someone else.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Twitter Effect

Based on the posts I've made on twitter, I realize that I mainly run my life teleological and stellar time. 6 days of the week, I am either working or going to school or both. It's pretty simple. It actually made me realize that we all need a bit of all 3 types of time (in my opinion). Chaotic time are events that are described as random or not having meaning in life. I disagree with the partial definition of not having meaning in life. I get bored easily (too easily I think at times) and the random events always that happen in my life are usually the ones I often remember the most. Think about it for a second and compare "your" chaotic time and teleological time. Which do you often talk about to your friends, family, peers? I would say it would be more of the chaotic time. Take for example Alex's anecdote in the last class about how he ran into this guy that jumped into the train tracks for a dollar bill. Alex then proceed to tell how he threw a $5 bill into the tracks just to see if he would go into the tracks for a second time to retrieve the bill. I doubt he would choose to tell the class a story of a time on the subway where nothing interesting, a.k.a. when everything went as usual, as apposed to the story of the crazy delusional IDIOT that ran into the tracks for a fraction of what his life his worth in front of an oncoming train. Luckily for that guy, stellar time was on everyone's side that had wanted to go to where they wanted to arrive without any complications on the public transportation system. If it was not on their side, it would probably read something like "IDIOT GETS HIT BY TRAIN ON TRACKS AFTER JUMPING FOR $5 BILL; OWNER OF BILL, COLLEGE STUDENT BY THE NAME OF ALEX, TAKEN IN FOR QUESTIONING. CLAIMS BILL WAS SWEPT FROM HIS HAND BY THE ONCOMING WIND OF THE TRAIN.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Twitter's forking path to social networking!

We live in the decade where information is always at our fingertips. Including what, where, when and how every single person in our live is carrying out there day to day routine. Twitter, the streamline of babble and comments, is the newest trend of the always growing social networking community. I have become a late bloomer in this trend, but found it very fun to talk to millions as a calming way of letting people know my story. In reading everyone's post, I found that I could relate to a lot of the stories. We are all students and we all are dealing with the pressures of school, work and our own social lives outside of the box. I believe that with that said that I believe there are two timelines that could take place in tweeter. I did not find my timeline altered by anyone. So in my perspective, I would find myself going through a teleological timeline. Whereas, I could see the possibilities of stellar time could happen at anymoment. I believe just the littlest thing could change our life, by hearing something on twitter.
As for the Garden of Forking Paths Hypertext, I first didn't understand the context of the story. It seemed all over the place and there was not a basic context of a story. After playing with it for a while, it came more and more compelling on how visual words popped out for me and intrigued me to click and bring another story. This, in context, showed stellar time could be placed in a story with hypertext. It was the neatest thing I have read in a while. It showed how life is really intertwined together in the long end. It was a very powerful piece. I want to find a link to the background of the author.
1. Twitter, a place where people join in...this joining in implies community and interaction between members. What a disappointment, members join in being alone and broadcasting their thoughts and actions to an audience that may or may not be there. It is an application where all we care is "me, me, me and what I did and have to say" while claiming that we share with others but only complaining, rejoicing and expressing our indifference/opinion about things that affect us.
Entropic time affects all of us and reading the tweets, it seems that there is no connection between different posts (people). Let's take for example the latest post of our professor "drdanamilstein pardon my language, but fuck our health care system:"; is this in any way leading to an effect on any of the readers or on her next decision regarding health care? No, because we are either too small for our voice to be heard or too busy with our own problems to do anything. The tweet is just an expression of frustration, a random event that will be forgotten if not already forgotten.
This is not to say that life is completely random, our acts influence other people but the acts themselves are random. Let's take an accident for example: we surely don't mean to crash into another car but it happens and the other driver and us are now connected and our acts influenced their life, made them late to work, damaged their car, etc. Did we know this morning when we left home that we'll be involved in a crash and affect someone's life? Is there such a thing as predetermination, was it written somewhere that we will stop at that traffic light and so be in the intersection two minutes later and hit the other car? Everything starts entropic and develops teleological or stelar.
2. The hypertext reading is trying to make the point that there is no true beginning and no end. It all revolves and we find ourselves at what we thought was the beginning, but that beginning may be the middle or the end if viewed from another perspective. Was Albert's murder the end or the beginning? To some it was the end (Dr. Yu Tsun), but to others it was the beginning of a military campaign which will cascade into another series of events. Time is a straight line from which different paths fork at every step. Dr. Yu could have informed his superiors about the location of the battery in many different ways but circumstances and choice made him do it by killing Albert and allowing Captain Richard Madden to capture him.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Based on those tweets, feeling kind of like peeping others through a window, it seems that our lives are mostly influenced by teleological time. Everybody seems busy with their work, study, family, and other colorful things which are expected from us to have particular satisfactions, usually for a better life in light of individual’s needs and wants. I do not think I have been affected by others’ tweets so far; maybe the time is not long enough, or I’m too stubborn:).

We do everything purposely, more or less, to get an anticipated result. However, if my understanding to the three types of time is correct, the influence of teleological time is often interrupted by the affect of the stellar time when something unexpected comes. Our lives usually takes other path, the forking path, like the scenarios in the movie named “Crash”. Just like in Borges’ The Garden of Forking Paths, the relationship among people sometimes are transforming as they enter to another path. According to Borges, “you arrive at this house, but in one of the possible pasts you are my enemy, in another, my friend”. Life is full of conflicts and temptations pushing us to change our paths as people are greedy and have endless desires. For my example, marrying my wife and moving to the United States are two significant path changes in my life.

Are we changing our life paths by random, are those paths already designed for us when we were born? Atheists and theists have opposite answers. If God is the creator of the earth and all creatures on it, then it is reasonable to believe that everything we do is under control. Educated by a communist government, I used to be an atheist. However, when I see the people in that society having less and less sense of guilt when doing something immoral, I think a theist society is better for human beings, though I’m still not convinced that God created everything. Now I think since law can’t stop all the immoral activities, believing in God, or gods, at least makes people hold something in awe. With this idea in mind, when our lives are facing a forking path, we can probably choose the way of not harming others or at least making the harm minimum if there is no better choice. However, on the other hand, the world is full of significant conflicts because of the various religions people believe in. It is a crucial problem if there are conflicts among Gods themselves. Whom indeed should we believe in?

Though I’m sure that I do not completely understand the underlying meaning of this story(the spy kills the researcher, dedicating himself in researching the spy's ancestor's noval and labyrinth for decades, for just informing Germany, called by himself as "a barbarous country which imposed upon me the abjection of being a spy", the city, which has the same name as the researcher, that German must attack, to just prove to the Chief that "a yellow man could save his armies"? Too crazy for me to understand), it makes me think of the meaning of life in a new way. Yes, I often find myself running in circles, though I cannot describe it clearly and theoretically, that feeling comes back to me again and again. The words which attract me to this story are just “forking path”. What path should we choose on earth?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Going round and round.

Twitter! What in the world is Twitter that what I asked myself when we was just told about the assignment and then I get home turn on ESPN which I do every night so I think its starting to show that I live my life in a teleological time. Sorry back to the story so I turn on ESPN and there it goes Charlie Villanueva of the Milwaukee Bucks is posting a twitt at half time at a game with the Boston Celtics (kind of remind you of stellar time). So this is where I start to get intrigued I rushed onto my computer and sign on to Twitter and add Charlie Villanueva (CV31 is his twitter name) as my first person to follow. For the next three days I followed my classmates and I learned that for most part at this time point in my life I am mostly living Teleological time I wake up in the morning I get dressed I go to work and college get home and start over the next morning. What I was surprised about is that most other people seemed to live out of the loop having events pop up from no where and enjoying there time having some structure to it but for most part. I really enjoyed seen that at some point I would be able to enjoy life the same way. But on day three I saw that time affects everyone differently and that all three different times influence your everyday life. As I signed onto facebook I had to status updates from two different friends a status update is pretty much the same thing as a twit and one said “ having the best day ever” and then I scrolled down a bit and the next one said” RIP we will miss you dearly” the second post was for a friend of mine that was taken away way to early from this world and that moment it showed me that one min you can been living a linear life and out of no where everything can become chaotic where one person can be enjoy the best day of there life and another morning the loss of a friend. At that point the whole assignment meant sense to me and became real and showed me to use my time in the best way possible.


The hypertext activity brought to real life what the text was trying to illustrate. A story with no beginning or end with no direct cause and effect where one part of the story effect any other part just as equally. The designer tried to teach us that that for every action there is a reaction and that there could be more then one path you can take which will lead you in one direction or sometime bring you to the same point to lead you in another direction. I found myself going thru the same paragraph over and over again at first I was frustrated by it I wanted to be able to explore other part of the story but then I found myself trying to figure out the pattern that led me to going in same circle. I think that this shows just as twitter showed that right now I end up doing things in a routine not going outside the boundaries of the norm. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Twitter what? When I initially read this assignment I didn’t understand the point of twitter. I said to myself this website is about statuses? Big whoop! But as I became more acquainted with the site I realized how addicting it could be and now I cant get enough of it! Since setting up this account I have realized how out of the loop I have become. It is so true, you can definitely get wrapped up in the events of your life so much that you forget to ask what is going on with other people and sometimes you even don’t have time to talk anymore period.
The hypertext was quite confusing. I didn’t really get the point of the story. I was really trying to figure out the point of what the man was talking about when I realized the author was trying to make a point about time. The different lanes created by time. The big picture was for us to see our lives by reading the story and realize our lives are multidimensional.
After reading the hypertext the words that caught my attention were infinite, enemy and friend. These words make me think about my life and its infinite possibilities, the ones I love and the ones I don’t care about so much. It makes me realize that all these things allow me to stay motivated and make the most of this life manipulated by time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Influences on Time

A new website or home page called Twitter was very good and very networking site for our friends and family in the daily activities. Being on Twitter it is a good experience and even though it was a little confusing to work with, I think it’s all worth it. Here in NY all of us are very busy with work and school and we never seem to make time for friends and family. All we think is run to work make the money and then you start forgetting about your loved ones because you are so into your work and career and don’t seem to make time for anything. Now knowing the Twitter is here and it was assigned by our professor I think it’s great because we somehow can try to stay in contact with all the class mates, professors and who ever we know; even though we are away and doing our things, we are still everywhere together with the Twitter. This means that we can make the five minutes during the day and try to stay connected with others.

I think that the hypertext was confusing, yet as I was trying to figure it out I exposed that there was a meaning behind it. Different times and paths are designed by point in time; it is how you managed to be. Who ever invented this internet, blog, Twitter or in other words social networking was genius. It’s something that will keep us going and share the good and the bad, yet being away from your presence.
This shows our mood, personality, and many other personalities that a human being might have, but you never knew it before. Twitter will explore it all.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Influences of Time

Being on Twitter was a new and very interesting experience for me. I discovered something new about myself. I had thought that I existed in a purely theological time where my life was basically a series of cause and effect of events. My main purpose was to go to school to get a great paying job, so that I can get a beautiful house then have some kids and retire. While like many of my classmate, my life is still driven by teleological time, I find myself also being influences by stellar time- intermingling scenarios that affect our daily lives. For instance, the professor’s posted her reaction to her discovery of plagiarism that was done the blog posts. This information affected me in a very adverse manner. I was actually looking forward to a great weekend. I was in a great mood. I had just finished a midterm that I felt good about, but after reading that post my spirit felt – stellar time came into play. If she had not discovered and posted her finding about the plagiarism and had I not read it I probably would have had a fantastic weekend. My weekend was ruined. After reading her post, I was depressed.

At first, I found the hypertext to be very confusing. However, as I click on I discovered a theme the – different paths of life created by time. I believe the designer intent us to view our lives as multi-dimensional, coordinated by only the space of time. The phase, “Time Forks into, perpetually, into countless futures. In one of them, I am your enemy” is pointing toward this conclusion. Like the actual fork that starts with one main structure and then divides into different ends our lives are similar where we end depends on the path that we choose to follow.

The words that most attracted my attention were enemy and friend. What does this says about me? I am not sure? Looking at the words they are complete opposite of each other. If one were to put them on a scale, they would suggest balance, order, control, which could possibly describe my personality.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Twitter! A wonderful site..

“Alone, alone, all, all alone,Alone on a wide wide sea !” this line is written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his book call “The Rime of The Ancient Mariner”. I love this line since I read the book in my eleventh grade. I’m living in US by myself and today when I start to write my twitter assignment this line came up my mind first. I believe in stellar time because we are affected by everyone around us. My friends, family and all the people around me affect me; likewise I myself affect them with my actions as well. For example, yesterday after a long day with classes and work, I called my friend to refresh my mind while only to find out that my friend has complain for me that I don’t give enough time to her, which made me feel even worse. On the other hand, one day I was feeling down and a friend comes in after a long time and makes my day. The twitter is a very good website that influences me last couple days. On twitter I saw a friend posing a comment stating, “I have found an old friend on face book and is extremely happy after I talked with her.” Reading that, made me recall the time when recently I spoke to my childhood friend after 3 years. It was really a pleasant recalling moment and I was so happy. So, this is how stellar time influenced me when I used twitter last week.

To me, the hypertext is an interesting activity. It shows how we are confused about our life. I like it because it’s never end. I spend two days to understand the hypertext reading, but I lost the track. After ward my feelings like I lost in an ocean and just the water everywhere as the Samuel Taylor Coleridge says in his book. After reading the hypertext I love the words my friend, infinite, books, read, you are my enemy. These words recall me to my childhood when my dad helps me to prepare for exams, or playing whole evening with my neighborhood friends. Brave, friendly, emotions reflect on my personality very much.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Twitter and Hypertext

1. Twitter was one of the best activity i came across relations with other socializing sites because it was more to the point and we all can relate to one another. we all are busy in our daily life and as every human being who work hard we all believe we are doing so much more than other people. However, twitter made me see some of our classmates working as hard as myself more than ten hours. it made me feel good and less frustrated because they are also full time student and work full time. Twitter is the good place to know your classmate more than maybe we can know each other in college, class, etc. i was so impressed by it and i will stay make sure i wont loose contact with my classmates even after the semester.
2. The text made my mind spin because it was really confusing. It was a nice piece of literature but the author really confused the points he was trying to make. what i understood from the text is that time goes on and we achieve our goal or not. It does not stop for anyone whether the choices are right or wrong. we have to live our life no matter the decisions we take affect it or not. There should be no regrets because even we do make wrong choices we still have to accept it and move on. It would not make any sense if a person would keep digging the past and screw the future as a result. These were some of the points i was able learn from the hypertext. I was fascinating with a word called "lantern" in the text which made me think of the times when i was in my country. I used to study in the lantern light at night when there would be a shortage of electricity.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exquisite Corpse

An Analytical Critique of Two Exquisite Corpse Drawings

By Aaron Kinchen

Two exquisite corpse drawings were completed during Tuesday’s class session, varying wildly in style and appearance. Other than myself, the other two members of the small group included Lisa, the rotund lady from China; and a cheerful, attractive, hirsute young man from Pakistan whose colorful remarks enliven class discussion (unfortunately, his name escapes me.)

The first image seems to caricature a portrait of a man from the late 1500s. The face features a van-dyked gentleman with hair long enough to tuck behind his ears. The forehead is high, with a strong furrowed brow. My initial impression of this grinning face was “Shakespeare”. The Bard’s body is a tree trunk. Over his chest, where his heart should be, there is a hole. This depression appears as a cored out part of the tree where a great branch once embedded its fibers. The rest of the nondescript torso leads the viewer’s gaze down to the hips of the corpse. He appears to be donning gaily decorated tight pants. Around the hips, there are frills accentuating a horizontal line. The garment’s material is full of rapidly struck pen marks, repeating an “x” to create a pattern. The feet look more like cotton blossoms with elongated thorns protruding as phalanges.

The face so clearly masculine, clothing slightly feminine, with the body of a hollowed out tree; these innate elements make it difficult to deduce meaning from this exquisite corpse. Perhaps this man has an urge to wear women’s clothing. Societal pressures force him to repress these feelings. Therefore, where his heart could be, is simply a hole.

The second image depicts a longed necked female’s head, sitting atop a boxy torso. Instead of legs, there is an enormous high heeled shoe with a wheel attached at the metatarsal region. Dissecting this creature from the top down, her hair is large, voluminous, and angular in places. She has a thick head band which covers ears. Her bangs stop at the mid-forehead level, which leaves room to showcase her long eyelashes. Her nose is slight, and her lips are rather large and out of proportion for her face. She has a round jaw, not to pointy, and not much of a chin, either. Her neck is long, nearly twice the length of her head. About two-thirds of her neck is covered in stripes that inch up at intervals from her shoulders. Below her shoulders, there are two circles (meant to be exposed breasts) with dots in the center, to denote her nipples. Overlapping her left breast is a heart, with the letters L O V E oozing out from it toward the floor. Her left arm is much longer than the right arm, and reaches down over her crotch.

From the waist down, she is all stiletto with a wheel. Perhaps this means that she is a woman on the go. Forced to over style her hair and stretch herself to the limit, as is evinced by the overly long arm, it is no wonder that her heart doesn’t hold love.

Monday, March 30, 2009

the influence of money and possessions

Mathilde returns home after hearing the news of the “diamond” necklace being a fake. She would try to cover it up to her husband as much as she could for she knew he would be furious with her over this matter. Mathilde was really hurt deep down over this ironic situation since her and her husband has worked so hard the last 10 years to repay this diamond necklace.
Husband: Hey honey how was your day?
Mathilde: Oh umm… my day, it was alright
Husband: What’s wrong dear? You don’t seem yourself.
Mathilde: Oh nothing, nothing at all. Let me put dinner on would you like a glass of wine?
Husband: Seriously what’s wrong? You seem upset about something. Well listen I was going to wait to tell you this but I went to the bank after work today and I think that we have enough money to spare to treat us to a nice little vacation. We really could use it after all of our hard work these past years.
Mathilde starts crying because she feels guiltier of the situation now.
Husband: Why are you crying dear? I thought that news would make you happy and you are crying, what is the meaning of this?
Mathilde: I’m sorry honey, I didn’t want to tell you please don’t be upset with me, but I spoke with Madame Forestier today while I was walking and told her about the mishap with losing her necklace and that we have finally finished paying off our debts for it after ten long hard years of working and as it turns out the necklace that she lent me was only a clay necklace and was only worth five hundred francs.
Husband: Oh my god! You’ve got to be kidding me?! You’re telling me that I’ve been working 18 hour days 7 days a week to pay the necklace back and it wasn’t even real diamonds?!
Mathilde: I’m really sorry dear I didn’t want to tell you.
Husband: I can’t believe this, had you done what I suggested in the first place and just confronted Madame Forestier about losing the necklace none of this would have ever happened. I wouldn’t have had to work 3 jobs, I wouldn’t be in so much pain from working so hard over the years, and I’d still have my father’s inheritance. Do you know how much that meant to me?
Mathilde: I said I was sorry honey I wish I had done that… I wish I knew the necklace wasn’t real diamonds… but I can’t change the past.
Husband: I can’t bear to look at you right now. I never want to see you again. Get out of my house woman.
Mathilde: No.. What? Why?
Husband: I said leave now damnit. Get out NOW!
Mathilde left the house thinking it would be best to let her husband cool off. So she went wandering around town looking for something to do to pass time. She began to wonder what would happen if she went to Madame Forestier. After thinking about it she decided to talk to Madame Forestier and explain the situation of how this news of the diamond necklace really being a clay necklace has destroyed her life and marriage and her husband kicked her out of the house. Madame Forestier, being a very understanding and generous woman, gave the necklace back to Mathilde. Mathilde then brought the necklace to sell it and she was surprised to get 38,000 francs. She then returned home once again with the money from selling the necklace.
Husband: What are you doing back here woman? I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you again.
Mathilde: Look honey I talked to Madame Forestier and she gave me the necklace back, I sold it for more than what we paid for it so now we won’t have to work anymore and can just enjoy ourselves.
Husband: Wow. I didn’t think she’d give it back. That’s great honey I’m sorry that I was mean to you before but I was just very upset, you have to understand I was very upset learning that working these last ten years was for nothing.
Mathilde: But it wasn’t for nothing dear… just think of what we can do with all of this money…

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Twitter and crazy hypertext

1. I think that my life would most likely be described at in stellar time. I feel like our lives were intertwined in some crazy way. It’s like we were at some point going through the same things. We all had midterms the following week and none of us wanted to study. On weekends, we had more time to update our twitter and see what each other was doing on their free time. It was so weird seeing what everyone’s weekend consisted of. Some people were working, hanging out with friends or flying across the country. Yet when our weekend ended, we all went back to our lives going to school and work.
It felt good see what everyone did outside of school. It made me feel like I was bonding with people I didn’t really know so well before. I still don’t know them that well, but I feel close with them by knowing what they are doing. It shows we are not all that different from each other. However, our differences make us who we are define us as a person.

2. I honestly don’t know what the designer intended for us to learn from the hypertext. I spent about thirty minutes on it and didn’t get anywhere! I was definitely running in circles. I wasn’t attracted to any words in particular. I did try to remember which words I clicked on so I wouldn’t click on them again. By that time, I forgot where I was in the story and could never really piece it together.
I think that what this says that while I like things to be stellar, it is easier for me to understand things in teleological time. I think that life in general is stellar, but when a story is being told, it is easier to be told in teleological time.


Stellar scenarios are the basis for me winding up this class, as for just two years ago in my line of business, a great big party that had been taking place for the previous 5 years came to a screeching halt, suddenly the music stopped, the carpet was pulled from under us, and our financial system came to a stop. Now faced with the reality that I may need change my line of work, I register at Baruch and subsequently the path takes me to this class. Unlike many who belong to many social networking sites, this was my first. All my socialization has been always been in person or by phone.
I feel the Twitter assigment has allowed me to identify better with my classmates and place a personality behind the name. Subsequently, I was affected by one student’s who recently informed they dropped the class. The student did not at this point elaborate why they dropped, whether it was trouble understanding the assignments or a briefly discussed health issue. In the sales business, many times I’m forced to strongly compete with other people. I have to beat others to the deal, just as they want to beat me. Its part the high, part of the thrill. I also strongly believe we should reach out and help others when possible.

“A Labyrinth of Labyrinths”, As read this I feel I like I’m on a bus ride in our Professors Mind, and where being taking on a journey discover the other side. For as much as we may plan for our outcome, chaotic events will intervene and we will have to assimilate and integrate these events into our lives and make decisions accordingly. I believe I chose these words because right now I’m at the center of several paths as look to discover where my life will be going next.

Choices, Chance and Circumstances

The type of time that I believe I live my life by is Stellar Time. Entropic Time, as life does seem to be full of random events, I do not believe that there is no purpose or meaning to life. We are all here for a reason. This is an innate intuitive feeling that I have. I strongly believe that it is illogical to feel that our lives serve no meaning. I believe our lives serve great meaning in regard to the big picture as well as to the individuals we share our lives with. As Teleological Time may be of a realistic type of time, it does not seem fitting for me because I do not believe my life unfolds in a streamlined manner and goes from point A to point B. Yes, I have goals set for myself, and yes there are certain steps I must take in order to achieve these goals, but life tends to be more fluid and these steps seem to always shift and change, and my goals, as they are important, there are many other important aspects of my life. Stellar time is one that I feel best resembles the way the time in my life exists because I often find many thoughts or experiences in my life to intermingle with each other and I find that my thoughts and experiences intermingle with the thoughts and experiences of other people. The many random things that we experience affect us as a whole. These collections of experiences make us who we are. Without this intermingling, we would be different people than we are. If our thought process kept each and every experience separate and individual in our minds, with no overlapping or connections, our lives and the world would not make much sense to us. Without others, our experiences would be pathetically minimal. It is experiencing those around us, who each have their own experiences, that enrich our lives. On a typical day, I have my set responsibilities that I must address, whether it be work or school. Outside of these two structured parts of my life, anything is game. But, at the same time, when considering my structured responsibilities of work and school, as they will dependably be there for me to be responsible for, the experiences that I have when at work and school are never repeated. I always have something new to take with me, which becomes a new part of me. These experiences are contributed by those around me. And I contribute to the experiences of others. And these experiences help to make us the people we are. When considering my experience with Twitter, I saw this play out. I saw how, for instance, the occurrence of the springtime morning snowfall affected us or did not affect us. Where some of us wanted to stay home but could not, and others wanted to stay home and did, there were also people that morning who did not even realize it was snowing as they slept through it. Another classmate mentioned how she feels guilty when she eats late after school. I too feel this same way sometimes, and as I know just from logic that others must feel this way, it was assuring to hear from someone that she too goes through this. There were quite a few classmates who have a rough time working as they are students. This is also something that I can relate to as some days it can be a great physical and mental struggle to keep going with this lifestyle, but we all keep going because we know the importance of an education and we know that we will not be students for very long, that we have to just go with the motions and school will be out of our life's equation and we will just have to go to work. As Stellar Time moves on, we collect our experiences, we introduce our experiences to other people, they introduce their experiences to us, and we all grow from these inner and exterior interactions. And Twitter seems to be a new and different platform in which these connections and overlapping of experiences between people can occur.

The author mentioned that the Garden of Forking Paths tried to explain that “time is not uniform and absolute,” time is more fluid and too are our lives because there are numerous possible alternatives. The choice we make is not the only choice available to us. Perhaps what he also meant is that if we all experienced different circumstances, if we all chose one of the other options available, we would be different because of this, and we would contribute to the lives of others differently, helping to make circumstances for them different as well. The author explained how the story plays with “multiple existing realities” and with the “end and beginning, real and unreal, cause and effect…to describe this world of multiple possibilities,” that our lives could have unfolded in numerous different ways, but unfolded in this way due to choice, chance and circumstance. The word “labyrinth” is used frequently in the hypertext to explain the story, as our lives are of a labyrinth and equally so are our minds. Our lives are fluid with no set structure, we have choices we must make, we make the choices, and our lives move on to the next set of choices that are open and available to us due to the previous choices that we made, and so on.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


1) I think that we are all, as students, pretty much influenced by teleological time. We have one goal: To graduate. We try our best to reach it. We go to school, study, do our homework and so on and so forth. So as students, teleological time is quite influent.
However, I do other things in my life, I’m not only a student, I have a part time job, I have friends, I enjoy watching movies and singing, etc. I would say that my life is then a mix of teleological time and stellar time. My life is affected in multiple ways by different elements and situations. Sometimes I plan to do something, like going on vacation to France visiting my friends there, but some unexpected event happened – my visa application got rejected. In some cases even if you have a very specific goal, intermingling scenarios can slightly or totally change your plans and alter your final goal.
I consider teleological and stellar time as the most influential time for my life.
I wasn’t really affected much by what others wrote on Twitter. However, it did help me to understand my peers better since we only meet each other couple hours a week. Even though nothing unanticipated really happened that ruptured my daily construct of living in Twitter, I felt really good of reading what happened in others’ life. For example, when I’m studying for my exam and I see someone who is also study for his/her exam, I feel like I have a partner who share the same goal with me. Then, I don’t feel like I’m fighting this alone.

2) While reading the hypertext for the first time I’ve found the layout a bit cramped and noticed that I was attracted to the works whose letters l or i are stuck to another letter. At the first reading I was more trying to recognize every word than understanding the whole thing.
Once I read the entire text I look back and notice some different lightening on some words, but at first I thought every word received the same lightening.
After a second reading, where I pay much more attention to the meaning of the story, I found myself I very attracted to the special lighting words, that I didn’t notice before.
I was indeed attracted to some words more than others differing from my first reading to my second one, but I have no idea on what this might say about me. Maybe this says a simple thing: I’m Taiwanese, English is not my mother tongue, so when I read I try to be really careful about each word one after another to make sure I understand everything.

Tweeter open my eyes (second attempt)

I was really affected by my peers’ activities during this week. They help me think about myself. Some of my followers tried to cook, to do something that they had never done before. Others went to visit their doctors, their family and relatives. All of those activities are in my agenda and I never had time to realize them. The tweeter experience makes me understand how I neglect my health, my social life, my family and my friends. I realized that there’s a world out there, I had to get out and live my life.
I think during this week I met a beautiful lady that really changes my daily activities. We went to movies and to lunch after work. I learned with this experience and tweeter that my life is unbalanced. I need to start socializing more as before, go practicing my salsa step. However, school and work fulltime don’t give me enough opportunity to realize this part of my life. Maybe next semester, I’ll take less class to balance my life.


The text seems very confusing and odd. I was very lost and felt that I was in the labyrinth and could find the end of the story. I felt that I was turning around without seeing the exit. I think the author want us to understand that our life is sometimes a maze. We, as human beings, should find a way to get out of our problems because we have the power to control our life and our destiny. We can decide to fail or to succeed. It depends of the amount of efforts and willingness we employ to realize our objective in life. In this hypertext, I select the world “murder” because I believe nowadays; this word is one of the words that hinder the world to become a peaceful place for everybody. We kill our brothers and sisters for nothing; we went to war and kill our neighbors for our own agenda. This word is really one the most violent words of the dictionary.

Life Around Us...

1) I believe in stellar time. Many events were happening at the same time in our peer’s life. It was amazing to experience that we are certainly not alone in this world; moreover, it was actually more amazing to see that many things happy to many people at the same time.
I am usually very tired when I get home from a very long day at work and at school but I am not the only one! Many students posted in Twitter they were very tired as well. I thought I was running out energy, but I now understand that is a normal pattern for many of us that work and study full time.
Our lives nowadays evolves around going to work, going to school, study, write papers, cook, watch our favorites shows on TV and that is about it! There are about 30 people in this class from different places with different cultures; however, their lives appear to seem alike.
I was primarily affected by one of the messages about hoping that the subways work on time that day… I smiled and though: “I hope that too” In fact I left my house a earlier the next morning just in case.
It also caught my attention the reflection of my peers. Some of us were saying we need start eating less, start exercising, or even start improving certain things in our lives.
What really impacted me was that I felt so connected to my mates throughout this activity since our lives are interfering minute by minute.
2) I believe the designer intended for us to learn that there is more out there than we think: other people and their lives… and that those lives interact with each other. This activity was designed to open or expand our minds and look “outside the box” and realize the world that surrounds us.
I was more attracted to certain phrases than to specific words. I was attracted to any type of sentence that suggested a goal; for instance: “I gotta stop eating” or “be more active in my classes”. I like to hear people wanting to improve –in any sense. As soon as I read those phrases, I felt related to those students; moreover, I felt they had my support.

Friday, March 27, 2009

My Life on Twiiter

1. The twitter assignment was interesting. I do not have a myspace or facebook so the majority of my interactions with friends and family are by phone, in person or email ( email I use rarely), so to have twitter was just odd to me. It felt as if I knew what everyone was thinking or doing without taking the time to literally make an effort to contact them to find out. Its as if people were answering questions without me asking them. I think Stellar time influenced my life on Twitter. I'd see others twitters and was motivated to get up and do something myself. It was as if there comment had an effect where I could be doing something and decide to do something else based on the twitter I just read. I did find it difficult to remember to twitter, I lead most of my life by face to face interactions or by phone so twitter although interesting I knew I would not continue after this assignment. Before twitter I believed time was teleological. I planned out my day and would usually follow through on all my goals without issues. After twitter I now know that as the situations change at times it will require you to define it by a different whether it be teological, stellar or entropic.

2. I found the hypertext to be confusing. At times I could follow the order and see where it was going then I'd click on the next one and be completely lost, feeling like no I've already been here what is next. I did feel as if I were running in circles, it reminded me of life. Its like you have a goal in life then something happens where you must take a different path to get there then something affects that path, etc. You then find yourself in a kind of circle avoiding the potholes to get to your goal and once you get there you have a new goal and back to the same circle you go. Your in a circle but there are different paths you can take to get to that goal.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Labyrinthes of life

1. Even before the Twitter activity I believed that the world is governed by the stellar time. Though our lives are subtly intertwined with one other we do not notice most of the time that a slight change in the trajectory of one’s path can cause drastic transformations of another one’s. This happens due to the fact that in a day-to-day life we usually focus on short- and medium-term goals. To be more specific the question is how to minimize time and other resources moving from the present point A to a desired point B in the future. As it’s known from geometry the shortest path between two points is a straight line. Therefore, more often than not we tend to perceive time and our existence in a teleological fashion as a linear combination of intervals and milestones. Though our path is constantly crossed by millions of other humans we tend not to give this fact any attention since 99% of such encounters do not bring about any immediate tangible change in our current condition. Yet nobody can ever tell the cumulative effect of these small variations that we with our single-minded plans are constantly exposed to. The importance of these at first sight minuscule interferences from outside is usually noticed only at the critical situations or emergencies. Than we become sensitive enough to perceive the presence of others realizing how much we depend on each other. We have to stop (or be stopped) and face the inconvenient truth of having just a partial control over our seemingly delineated and well-planned lives.

Having said all of the above, the Twitter experience appeared to me more like a fountain of chaotic signals, which barely had an impact on my daily routine. I think that the reason for such a perception was the fact that I didn’t know good 90% of the screen names that I was following and therefore couldn’t relate personally to the people that posted them. For comparison, having a profile on Facebook, updating my status on a regular basis and responding to updates of others, I get a sense of presence of my friends who are either in the City or hundreds of miles away. For me personal relationship is key.

2. The hypertext activity turned out to be very interesting and thought-provoking. It’s clear that the author tried to create an illusion of an individual life path with all its intricacies, unexpected twists and mistakes that most of us tend to repeat. Like in real life you never know where your next choice is going to bring you to and there is no other way to check but to make this choice. Like real life the text was divided into certain parts of cohesive text that would be partially unreadable because of black stains and illegible design. And then when a page is read you have to make a choice from the given number of options and risk being brought back to the very beginning of your reading.

I wasn’t particularly attracted to any of the words. Every time I tried to choose a different word or phrase hoping that I’ll be brought to a page that I haven’t read yet. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Running in circles I managed to read about 2/3 of the text. I think the tactic that I chose tells me that I’m a person who pretty easily gets bored with what he has and is constantly looking for new experiences choosing different ways to reach them. Unfortunately or fortunately, sometimes another turn into the depth of the labyrinth brings you right back to the entrance.

New Life

1-I was really affected by my peers’ activities during this week. They help think about myself. Some of my followers tried to cook, to do something that they had never done before. Others went to visit their doctors, their family and relatives. All of those activities are in my agenda and I never had time to realize them. The tweeter experience makes me understand how I neglect my health, my social life, my family and my friends. I realized that there’s a world out there, I had to get out and live my life.
I think during this week I met a beautiful lady that really changes my daily activities. We went to movies and to lunch after work. I learned with this experience and tweeter that my life is unbalanced. I need to start socializing more as before, go practicing my salsa step. However, school and work fulltime don’t give me enough opportunity to realize this part of my life. Maybe next semester, I’ll take less class to balance my life.

2-The text seems very confusing and odd. I was very lost and felt that I was in the labyrinth and could find the end of the story. I felt that I was turning around without seeing the exit. I think the author want us to understand that our life is sometimes a maze. We, as human beings, should find a way to get out of our problems because we have the power to control our life and our destiny. We can decide to fail or to succeed. It depends of the amount effort and willingness we employ to realize our objective in life. In this hypertext, I select the world “murder” because I believe nowadays, this word is one of the words that hinderthe world to become a peaceful place for everybody. We kill our brothers and sisters for nothing; we went to war and kill our neighbors for our own agenda. " murder" is really one the most violent word of the dictionary.

Mazes in life

1. My initial reaction to this assignment was to think that our lives are not governed by one specific timeline. However, after thinking and looking into this on a deeper level, I began to think that our lives are affected more by a stellar time. As I thought about it I could not think of anything that you could do that does not affect or has not affected another person. Life may seem teleological because we all wake up with a purpose in our days, but then your day is bound to eventually shift paths from what you had planned based on another persons actions. While using the “Twitter” experiment I learned that although what everyone had posted may not have affected me directly, had affected someone in some way. Certain posts I could relate to or did affect me. For example, a lot of people posted about how busy there days are between work and school which I can definitely relate to because on days I have to work and go to school it is a 14 hour day or more for me between working, commuting to and from Manhattan from Long Island, and going to class which kind of brightened my day up a little knowing that people are going through the same experience as I am. Also someone posted about calculus and derivatives which made me think about the calculus class that I’m in and having to do my homework for it which made me kind of mad. Being that it snowed on the first day of spring, I do not think that anyone really expected it so much and even though it was not a lot of snow at all it still seemed to make mine and most everyone else’s morning a lousy one based on their posts on twitter.

2. The hypertext activity was very confusing to me. Every path you took in the hypertext lead to a different ending which made it very difficult to follow. To me, this activity symbolizes that in life, every decision you make has an affect on the outcome of your life and I think that the designer intended this activity to show just that. I did find myself running in circles trying to figure out where this all was taking me. I was not necessarily attracted to any words in particular rather I was just lost in a maze it seemed. Maybe this says about me that I am still not entirely sure what I would like to do for the rest of my life, but if I make the right choices and take the correct paths I can become very successful.

Twitter The world on our feet

Daouda Kinda
Twitter, This network is great in so many way. Using twitter in less than a week I realized how random life is. I have been able to share my daily life activities with my classmates’ lives by just posting what I am doing and by reading my colleague posts. Twitter is nowadays used by so many and event notorious politicians an business men. The first time I heard about this site was on the news. The news reporter emphasized the ongoing use of twitter by house representatives and senators. We are leaving in the information world where technology has help us reduce physical distance and to connect and share information to each other in a matter of seconds. When I sign in for twitter I have no idea what I was going to do. However, as I started I didn’t take time to understand the beauty and joy of being able to connect my actions to someone else somewhere else. People around the world used it to share, inform, and show their feeling, ongoing activities sadness…. They have found something interesting that no matter what they are going through someone else somewhere is pretty experiencing that or just gone through it. Haven’t said that I read the post of a colleague who just lost his grandmother. In a matter of time a quick post was up there to support him because on the other hand another person that he doesn’t know had loss her grandmother too and wanted to share her support. This was amazing and showed how interconnected we are. I believe that our lives are interconnected in way that we have a hard time to explain……

Twitter & Hypertext

  1. Teleological time effects most of us because we pretty much have our day planned unless something unexpected happens. I think twitter was a pretty nice experiment. at first I was hesitant and did not know what to write until I saw some people posting. I have to admit i went back on it more than I thought I would, it was interesting to me to know what other people were doing at that time. I did find some posts I could relate to, for example, the ones about midterms. Also, although my day was boring as a result of work or schoolwork, I did not get to post much. I think twitter is a little similar to facebook and myspace but I tried to be pretty casual and straight forward with my posts. Also, twitter can be a very useful tool to interact with your professors and classmates. It is surely better in my opinion than e-mail and we should continue twitter till the end of the semester. I think most of us get discouraged at first because we think its pointless or something of that sort but it really is not. This way we kind of get to know one another a little better and we don't have to be careful about being casual or professional so it shows peoples actual personalities or close to it.
  2. Borges hypertext activity was pretty confusing to me, I found myself running in circles the entire time. I think it was purposely designed to be that way. I think the author's point was to show us that life keeps moving forward and even the smallest of decisions can effect our future. Also, I think the author was trying to teach us not to have regrets in life and to deal with whatever happens, learn from it, and keep moving forward. I must admit I was attracted to violent words such as revolver and murder because to me violent stories and movies are interesting and fun, I like "action". This could mean that I am attracted to violence which I think is not such a good thing. I do think the suggested 15 minutes were not enough time, I probably spent about a half hour because I was so confused.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Can we cross the same river twice?

1.TWITTER is really popular in these couple weeks. Right after we received this strange assignment, I found that there are so many people, who from various industries, pay attention to this simple designed website. The famous surgeon uses it deliver instant messages to his peers and fellows, to demonstrate how an operation was done. An U.S college student use TWITTER to sent message to let his professor know that he was arrested in Europe because he attended a political protest. It is a window for people to illustrate the detail of their lives, and their thoughts. As one of its participators, I realized that we could hardly live alone without the impact from the others. Our peers’ joy, sadness, or frustration would often remind us something else in daily lives. For instance: the other day I was totally loosed by “post mid-term syndrome” and felt like not doing anything, even I still had tons of homework and projects unfinished. I browsed the TWITTER posts, sudden I found there was someone who just lost his beloved grandma. While I felt his pain, his post also reminded me my grandparents, and how much that I should appreciated that both of them still be around us. I called my grandparents immediately, also spend sometime to chat with them. They showed so much care to me and kept encourage me “be good in school” (it made me feel like I am a five years old). For the rest of the day, I was able to be more focus and more cheerful. This is amazing part of life. The stranger’s life event may turn out to push you moving forward in your life. We all unintentionally play a role in someone else’s life. When something unpleasant happened, it could be an opportunity; and when things go perfectly smooth, it may lead to a crisis. In an informational society, we construct our goal base on reaction to the society. Therefore, stellar time is the best concept to fit in our living.

2.The hypertext is well-designed and 15 minutes is not enough to read through the whole thing for me. However, I do get the meaning behind the text. Its form tells us that the life is not a linear experience; it contents numerous possibilities in every single step that we choose. We choose something which attracts us the most at that moment, and then we might step into something we expected the least. On the web, we are able to click “back” icon and discover the other possibilities; sadly, we can not do this in our real life to explore if there was a better solution in our previous life. As Greek philosopher Heracleitus’ famous analogy of life: “Upon those who step into the same rivers different and ever different waters flow down.” This hypertext also reminds me that movie "The curious case of Benjamin Button" which illustrates an alternative of the common life.
I was more attracted to nouns than complex sentences in the text. Probably it is because I am an easy-going person and I tend to choose simple solution while I face challenge. However, easy solutions may lead to more confusing situation. That is the tricky part of life.

Forking Paths and Weaving Time

#1 It is easy to think about time as Teleological. When my eyes are closed the whole world falls away and at times when I’m dreaming it even seems that my own existence falls away. Yet based on the Twitter activity it is apparent that time is stellar. My peers had lives that existed outside of me, and frankly had nothing to do with me. While that in itself is not a revelation; I am not a narcissist. The activity allowed me to take peeks into their lives at various times of the day. Understanding this it is hard to ignore the teleological aspect of time. Events happen one after the other and there is an ebb and flow that was visible on Twitter with everyone’s blogs. If you wake up late one morning, and you miss your train which leads you to miss your test, on and on it’s easy to see how one event affected another. At times time seems like a set of dominoes that goes on into eternity. What makes life interesting is there isn’t one set of dominoes there are infinite sets that intertwine and weave in and out of each other. What I found interesting is that while all of our lives are very different, a lot of the experiences had commonalities. There were times when nothing interesting was going on in my life and I wasn’t sure what to Twitter about. When I logged on I would see there were others who were in the same position. Then there were times when homework, school, or just life in general was overwhelming, and when I logged in I would see that others felt the same way. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I was affected by what they were writing, but I think that I’m not very different from my classmates. We are all presented with similar challenges, and we react to them in similar ways. I personally think this is amazing on some levels since we are a very diverse group.

I have to say the only unanticipated thing that interrupted my daily life was the fact that I was tweeting. It wasn’t second nature to tweet about what was happening at the time. I think I just “go through” life and I don’t stop to think about it or write about it. I just live it.

#2 The Borges hyper ext was a circular activity. No matter what I clicked on at some point I would come back to the beginning of the text. It was truly one big circle. I wouldn’t say that I was attracted to some words more than others because at one point I was trying to see if I would come back to the beginning of the story or would I go in a different direction. I think the designer was not only making a point about time, but about life. Time and life seems to repeat it’s self. This is true now more than ever with everything going on in the world’s economy. Many times it feels that we’ve been in the same situation and you know that once the situation subsides, you’ll be back before you know it. It’s a comforting thought and a disheartening one all at the same time.

Time and Destiny

1) I think time is Stellar and Teleological for most twitters and I because everyone has some sort of idea about how their day will end, but sometimes things happen that ultimately change you eventual actions. For example tomorrow you may plan on driving to school or work; however someone else’s plan for the day might be to steal a car. That car just happened to be your car. Ultimately you’re forced to miss work or school all because of some stranger. On twitter most people have some sort of purpose in their daily lives I am pretty sure no one just sits around all day without trying to accomplish something they planned. You might have planned on just sleeping all day and then someone else’s action or comment may make you do otherwise. For example when the professor mentioned Good Will Hunting it made me reflect on some of Matt Damon’s movies and I eventually decided to watch the Bourne Ultimatum. If it wasn’t for her comment I would have went to the gym instead, so if I start getting fat it’s because of her Good Will Hunting comment. Everyone is unique in their own way but we do share similarities with others, so even if you’re a leader and not a follower I think it’s safe to say that a lot of your actions will be the result of someone else’s doing or opinion. Therefore I don’t time clearly falls within one category, I think its Teleological and Stellar.

2) The hypertext activity was very confusing but I think it kind of symbolizes life and your destiny. Your destiny is in your hands but you’re unable to accurately choose what you want your destiny to be. For example you could freely choose any words on the text to click but you can’t choose where this text will lead you and every word you click on has a detrimental effect to where you will end up in the text. I think this can be compared to real life as well because you chose to go to school at Baruch instead of many other colleges however your life would have turned out to be completely different, you may have met you future spouse at one of these other schools or many other different scenarios, your life could have been better or worst but you would never be able to know. Which I think brings up a special point as to why it doesn’t make sense to have regrets because you have no way of knowing what the future holds. So what I think the text is saying is that your destiny is in your hands but you’re just not aware of how to choose and this is what I think makes life so challenging. I the hypertext I just kept going in circle I was mostly attracted to words that pertained to violence such as: murder, revolver and hang. My main reasons for choosing those words were because I thought they would lead to the most interesting parts or they were all somehow connected.

Twitter and Hypertext

1. Discuss what type of time most influences yours and others' lives based on TWITTER. Were you at all affected by what your peers were writing? Did anything unanticipated happen that ruptured your daily construct of living?
After several days of experiencing twitter, I notice myself enjoying “peeking” at others’ personal lives and find people are unconsciously affecting each other. At the beginning, I was hesitated about what should I write in that little word box until I saw a lot of students begin to complain how midterms and homework stress their lives one after another. I could feel the same way as they did but I didn’t want to make the twitter become a “complaining tool” that full of unhappiness and dissatisfactions gathering together. I do believe that in fact these students are having something happy to share with, but they rather choose to amplify the negative than the positive. Then I didn’t mention anything about midterm but my mood was affected by seeing all the words like “tired, lazy, sleepy…”. Moreover, Twitter as a media for people to communicate and share lives does help people to get to know each other and keep people updated with the majority. On the other hand, I found the stellar time has the most influence to mine and others’ that life doesn’t go in linear track and we can’t go in one straight direction in our life. By observing others’ life styles, we will find new directions to move on.

2. Spend about 15 minutes playing with the hypertext reading of Borges' text. What do you think the designer intended for us to learn through this hypertext activity? Did you find yourself running in circles? Were you attracted to certain words more than others? If so, what do you think this says about you?
I find myself running in circles and back and forth which is quiet frustrating and confusing and I also find I tend to click on the words I don’t really understand and sometimes I will click on the same word again which makes me stuck in the circle. Maybe it tells me about the problems of my life style and my personality. I am a typical Capricorn who is obstinate and always chose stay still in my own path. This hypertext activity illustrates the problem of my personality, and perhaps it is the inner purpose of designing it.

life in a garden of possibilities

Although I, myself did not post on twitter, I was still able to view and interpret those who did. I most strongly identify with the idea of Teleological time, which lends itself to the idea of cause and effect. To me, this incorporates the idea of stellar time as well. Life is a result of cause and effect and this includes planned and unplanned directions. Staying up late one night, would lead someone to be tired, which in turn could cause them to oversleep. This effect of this could be missing a certain train or being on the road at a different time than normal. This then could cause the person to meet their future spouse or maybe escape a near-death experience. This intermingling of scenarios that affect our daily lives are represented in stellar time but also lead to a cause and effect answer or response to our daily conditions and experiences. Now that I think about it more, I feel that my life could actually contain elements of all three time scenarios. When my ex-girlfriend and I broke up, I readily identified with the entropic or chaotic view of time. For a brief period, my life was a jumble of feelings and confusion with no inherent outcome. Obviously, this way of thinking has been replaced with a certain degree of autonomy. Knowing that every Tuesday and Thursday I will be on the 8:07 am train to the city and that on Monday, Wed and Friday I must be at my boss’s house at 7:30am replaces chaotic time and is the very definition of teleological. Although this at times and there is a lot of them, can seem boring, it is in a way comforting as well.

2. Spend about 15 minutes playing with the hypertext reading of Borges' text. What do you think the designer intended for us to learn through this hypertext activity? Did you find yourself running in circles? Were you attracted to certain words more than others? If so, what do you think this says about you?

At first this reading was very confusing but after several minutes, ( I really mean hours) I understood the idea and meaning behind it. Our actions no matter how small or large all cause very distinct ripples or changes in our life. In the hypertext simply by clicking one inch away from another spot led you down a different path. This can easily be applied to life. Taking a job in another country or even in another field will create a new pattern that was not formed until you made a choice. I was not drawn to any specific word or phrase throughout the text; I was more interested in how many different paths I could choose and follow to reach a different point. What also I feel is interesting is how my choices along with another individual’s decisions all lead to inherent effect or interaction between us. Personally I haven’t reached this yet, but I find it crazy how so called “soul mates” can one day find each other among the masses and this is the result of each decision they made large and small that led to their lives becoming aligned with one another, even for just a short time. What are the chances?


The Twitter experience was not new to me, since just like a lot of other people I am using facebook. However, it was interesting that people participating in this experience were all my classmates and, what is more, my current literature professor. I could see that a lot of people shared not only their thoughts on particular situations but also generalized and expressed emotions on a deeper level. Sometimes we could see and feel each others’ excitement or irritation, etc. A lot of us may be sympathising others and some comments can make you laugh maybe because you have just the same activities or thoughts as this other person. My opinion on the different times that we live in is dual. I believe that partially people live in stellar time, where a lot of scenarios are connected to each other and influence us daily. On the other hand, just like the Twitter has showed, a lot of activities are unexpected and you never know what may happen to you next or you might not know the details of the upcoming events, since your life is not only affected by you, but others play a huge role as well. That means that we may also be living in chaotic time.
As of Borges activity I found myself clicking on the words that I don’t know the meaning of or things that I am curious about, such as “lost labyrinth” or “chess player.” As for me, I believe that he wanted to show us how linear and at the same time chaotic our life is. As I see it, the linear part is shown through us clicking on different words and going somewhere else, to another page. The chaotic side is reflected through us going in circles and selecting different words. We might be in a bad mood and select a different word than we would have if we were in a better mood.

Following the Followers...

1)I used to get lot of request to follow in the twitter an year ago but I used to avoid it as I thought it will be just another chat site... but when I was compelled to be there... my view changed towards twitter. I was skeptical at first so when I created my account, I didn't post anything. I observed it for 2 days. In those two days I followed people from outside our class. After reading the updates I found it to be funny and started posting and sending request to our class mates. Since then I followed up and did post message regularly. I like to listen to Politicians so I was following CNN as well as Google. Barack Obama which I deleted later on but still follow Al Gore...right now he is working on a new book... I don't know why but I find some of US politicians very inspiring....Before Primaries, I used to follow everyone irrespective of their party. I was fascinated by Ron Paul as well as Barack Obama. I still follow Barack Obama as he is facing very tough time...but I like when he comes up with any solutions or experiments...I know any country should not be experimenting things but as he terms, there is no "quick fix" to the problems that US is facing today. I find him consistent and love when he brings things honestly. This is the only reason I like to follow the news. Besides that I loved to read the updates from Everlyn as she faces tough time with her kid. Following in twitter I found that everyone has their own life and thinking. It changes with small unexpected events. I try to live my life in a routine manner but it all depends on when I wake up. If I am able to get out of the bed by seven in the morning…I feel lot of energy in me and things go as I or planned. But if I am not able to leave my bed by seven, everything gets delayed. May be I am superstitious but this is fact. Overall I think it was nice experience and I think I am going to continue using twitter in future.
2) I am sorry but hypertext went off my head… I could not get anything from it. After so long I have been challenged by anything like this. Right now I have my mid terms so I am not using my head but once I am finished with my mid terms, I am definitely going to read it again and again until I understand it.

"36 hour Sunday"

1. Discuss what type of time most influences yours and others' lives based on TWITTER. Were you at all affected by what your peers were writing? Did anything unanticipated happen that ruptured your daily construct of living?

I think that most of the people I was following did actually planned their steps in advance or, at least, they expected things to happen in a certain order, predicted one. Hence, I assume time is stellar for many twitters as well as for me. Through the Twitter activity I was able to find more about people surrounding me. I think my daily activities are planned ahead and I know how I am going to spend every minute of time so valuable for me. However, sometimes unanticipated events occur and at the moment you think that you will not be able to deal with that turn of events. But you able to adjust accordingly to all unexpected twists, even if the outcome is not favorable sometimes. By spending some of my time playing with Twitter, I came to conclusion that many people do the same thing as I do: they are able to adjust to unanticipated events in their lives. One of the multiple posts that attracted my attention is that where a person offered to expend Sunday to 36 hours. I would even offer a better “bailout package”, which will extend all days of the week. It is very true when it comes to me: time flies so fast that seldom all planned tasks can not be finished on time. I am a full time student who is part time employed and I know how time is precious. Where is that magic key that can turn back time? I was thinking of this subject for some sometime during my life.

I was not able to experience all “beauty” of having snow on the first day of the spring: my plane was heading to San Francisco. However, being a New York myself, I could portray the feelings of the people participated in Twitter. The idea that I was not at New York at the time contributed to my excellent mood.

2. Spend about 15 minutes playing with the hypertext reading of Borges' text. What do you think the designer intended for us to learn through this hypertext activity? Did you find yourself running in circles? Were you attracted to certain words more than others? If so, what do you think this says about you?

The hyperactivity seemed to be a bit complicated. I was not sure what direction to follow, which word to click. The hyperactivity depicts the truth about our lives. Very often we are given a number of possible solutions to the same problem and our responsibility is to pick the right one, more suitable in a given situation. The hyperactivity offers is an endless story. By clicking one work somewhere in the middle of the text, you are being transferred to entire different part. You have to be careful with selection of the next word to avoid going circles. In general, I am a very curios person and this activity was interesting for me, because I wanted to know the truth hidden under a next highlighted word.

Tweet Tweet

1. Using twitter was a brand new experience.Although i was not able to fully use it i enjoyed the time i had with it. It as interesting to see what was going in our classmates life, being that we see them as "classmates" and not as humans. After using twitter, i found that my life is mostly affected by, teleological time. In the students i followed i saw many students seemed, to live life in a teleological time just like me. Although some posts were sad, and emotional, i did not at all feel affected by what my classmates were writing. In the couple of days in twitter, there seemed to be no events that had an effect on my life. Throughout this twitter experience i learned that my classmates are human just like me. We all have goals and use our own ways to achieve them. I didn't feel like our lives intermingled or had anything to do with each other.
2.In the hypertext reading of Borge's text, i have no clue as to what we were supposed to get out of it. I was very lost. But i did find the reading pretty fun. For some strange reason i was very attracted to the words of death,die and dead. As a person I'm not too sure what that says about me, but I'm sure it is along st the lines of me being afraid of death.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obstacles and Patience

I believe that stellar time influences my life and other lives based on Twitter. After reading every ones’ updates I felt that how some of my feelings about some things are similar to them and also how that affected my daily life. For example, after seeing Professor Milstein’s post that she goes to sleep at 6 a.m. and only getting two hours of sleep, I felt that I am not the only one who sleeps less than everyone. I actually live in Long Island, so I have to travel almost two hours every day. That is why I always complain how I can not finish my work and get good hours sleep. But now after I seeing that post, I believe that I must be lucky that I get more sleep than my Professor. Also, another peer posted that she also has accounting exam and studying for it. This whole weekend I was struggling with Accounting. After experimenting with Twitter I have seen that I had similar experiences with some of my peers. Also, this weekend my friends from Buffalo came to visit New York. But I had so much work and my accounting exam was on Monday that I could not manage and go visit them. I felt really bad in the end. So, here I felt that stellar time influences my life most. Also the Twitter experiences showed that how stellar time interacted with my life and all the students’ posts. It showed how a barrier or a hardship affected peoples’ daily lives.
After playing with the hypertext, I felt that Borges wanted us to have patience and see different words or parts of stories differently. For example, if I clicked in one word it would take me to another part of the story. I felt like something was missing and turned the story in a new direction. So, I felt that his idea was to make the reader have different opinions and have their own conclusion about the story. I was attracted to some words such as murder and attacked. I think this is because I saw a dream last night about a thief who murdered a guard somewhere. So, maybe this says about me that if something happens I keep thinking about it over and over again. That is why I was attracted to those words because I have seen a dream like that and kept thinking of it over and over again.