Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life Around Us...

1) I believe in stellar time. Many events were happening at the same time in our peer’s life. It was amazing to experience that we are certainly not alone in this world; moreover, it was actually more amazing to see that many things happy to many people at the same time.
I am usually very tired when I get home from a very long day at work and at school but I am not the only one! Many students posted in Twitter they were very tired as well. I thought I was running out energy, but I now understand that is a normal pattern for many of us that work and study full time.
Our lives nowadays evolves around going to work, going to school, study, write papers, cook, watch our favorites shows on TV and that is about it! There are about 30 people in this class from different places with different cultures; however, their lives appear to seem alike.
I was primarily affected by one of the messages about hoping that the subways work on time that day… I smiled and though: “I hope that too” In fact I left my house a earlier the next morning just in case.
It also caught my attention the reflection of my peers. Some of us were saying we need start eating less, start exercising, or even start improving certain things in our lives.
What really impacted me was that I felt so connected to my mates throughout this activity since our lives are interfering minute by minute.
2) I believe the designer intended for us to learn that there is more out there than we think: other people and their lives… and that those lives interact with each other. This activity was designed to open or expand our minds and look “outside the box” and realize the world that surrounds us.
I was more attracted to certain phrases than to specific words. I was attracted to any type of sentence that suggested a goal; for instance: “I gotta stop eating” or “be more active in my classes”. I like to hear people wanting to improve –in any sense. As soon as I read those phrases, I felt related to those students; moreover, I felt they had my support.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, sometimes we are living same kind experience in our life such as going to work and school and feel very exhausted at night. I think most of the students feel the same way when thy arrived home at night Twitter makes me understand that I am not alone in this planet. There are many people who are living same anxieties, and problems in their life as us.
