Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life with purposes

I believe my life is teleological time type, which means a cause leads the result. The different purposes are the main topics in our lives. For what I am thinking, if my father never came to United States for his American Dream, my life would be a huge difference from today. I would be someone like my elementary schoolmate, who dropped out of school at her sixteen years old and began to work in a manufacturing factory to support her family. She then has an early marriage since her early twenty. The cause is my father’s decision to go to United States, and the result is my family immigrated to United States and I was able to go to college for my education. People live under different purposes, such as most students wrote on the Twitter, they are paying lots time to study midterms, isn’t it the purpose of being good students, good student can result in you have a good looking resume and degree. It is for your future job purposes. For myself, I major in finance, because I want to get a job in financial institutions. However today’s economy rupture my purpose of seeking my future job. Therefore, it is hard to say that the life under purpose is better than other, because our lives can be affected by other situation, too.

I think the hypertext reading of Borges ‘text is very creative, it attracts my attentions to predict the next coming words, although it is always out of my guessing. I am not sure that I am in the circles, because I am so confused by the reading. Surely, this is a great piece of reading with challenged.


  1. Sumei you made an interesting observation--many times we spend our life pursuing the wrong thing. We are more interested in the "A" than in education. We are more interested in making money money, yet rarely do we think about why we need that money or the education. It is important to think beyond the immediate to figure out whether or not something is truly valuable.

  2. Sumei's explanation is so clear and useful.
    For me, getting an “A” or not is not the main purpose of studying. However, I always want to do everything perfectly. At work, I try to finish everything I supposed to do and clean the desk before I leave; at school, I work hard and pursue an “A” in every class. I understand no one can be perfect, but it doesn’t mean we should not set higher standard for our goal. Yes, maybe I still cannot get “A” in every course, but I did try my best with no regret. Grading system is the way to tell you if you can truly understand the content or not.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just wanna say that, I think twitter help us to get to know other people's life style and one may compare his/her life style and wonder if one should change a little bit, or one may see others' life-style as a model to learn and follow.
