Monday, March 23, 2009

I believe in stellar time

My believe is that life runs on stellar time. Every action of every person affects all of us. What I feel like today may change another persons attitude. For instance, I work in pharmacy so if a patient ran out of medicine and we feel like being generous and giving them a couple of pills until they see the doctor that is our call. Therefore, say I woke up in a bad mood or another patient has mad us upset that may cause us to not give that person with the problem any extra help. Stellar time is very real because some of us can cause a change in another person's life and not even know of it. I also believe that people come into your life for certain reasons and change you personally for good or bad. We may think we meet these people randomly but I think due to stellar timing everyone comes into our life for a reason.
Twitter has allowed me to get out of my box and view other peoples views on personal life, school, and other aspects of life. Its was fun viewing the comments, at one point I was at work reading them and I just burst out in laughter from one of the comments. I also saw that it is hard for many other people juggling school and work. I think I will stay on Twitter as long as its still funny. It has also proved a little of my point about stellar time, by that one post that made me laugh my day was changed. Someones perspective about Costco made me have a good day.
From the reading I gather that the author wants us to also leave our box and view a text in a whole new way. He wants us to view the text in a way that is more surprising, we don't know whats going to happen next where it could take us. You can also find out a little about your personality because of the particular words you may choose to click on. For example if one chooses to keep clicking on the more violent or aggressive words you can see that you like action and hoping clicking that word will lead to others like it. I love to see or hear new words so I basically take to weird or new words.


  1. Glad my Costco comment made your day, I'm happy to hear I made someone smile and turned their day around. By the way I agree with you about many people commenting about juggling school and work. I felt like I agreed with every post. As I read all these posts I was surprised at how alike I was with these people that I have only just met or have not met at all. I was skeptical when we were assigned this little experiment but in the end I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  2. I thought the comments were hilarious too - I was initially skeptical about using this kind of technology in the classroom but honestly I feel a lot closer to my students as a result of it.

