Thursday, November 14, 2013

Crazy Event

I have a very difficult time forcing myself to write on Twitter. It's just not in me, but I realized that due to events that occurred in real life and the existence of my Twitter account, I got slightly more engaged than I expected. This is why I feel like my Twitter account reflects Teleological time, in which some events are a result of something preceding it. When there is a political issue I see on the news, I would look on my Twitter feed to see what other followers say about this issue. This would also reflect on how I viewed that same issue. My friend uploaded a link to a video about "Bridal Kidnapping" which still exists in this world. This led me to have a negative mood throughout the day and spread that video with my friends.

The most unanticipated happening that ruptured my daily construct of living was actually semi-related to my Twitter account. When I first created my Twitter account, I tweeted about how excited I am for Bryant Park Ice Skating Rink to open. Then I followed the BryantPark rink on Twitter for updates. Once it opened and I started ice skating there, some dude decided to start shooting into the ice-skating rink, with me ten feet away from him and 3 seconds away from being infront of his shooting direction. This caused a big scene and chaos. This ultimately changed the plans of my week, and then I eventually ended up tweeting about it, and going back to my Twitter account to see what BryantPark had to tweet about it. It didn't mention the shooting, but mentioned the rink will be closed until further notice. Interesting....

Friend or Not

Being able to quickly access millions of consciousness is a great gift. Telepathy? I'd love to have one, but it's fiction of course. If we look closely, Twitter is a realistic comparison to mental telepathy. Both have the brilliant characteristic of having to communicate without opening ones mouth. With that being said, the two shares a detrimental feature that can bite their users in the a**. That feature is "free will". Free will is great to have, but utmost responsibility is required, unless someone wants to follow the fate of the infamous Anthony Weiner, please feel free not to.

Life and Twitter...

I have been a Twitter user since May 2009. In the past four years this social media resource has become an intricate part of my life. It provides laughter, information about world events, politics and the entertainment business, a connection with people with different cultures and lifestyles, and, most importantly, it gives me a place to express myself. Having a Twitter account has been cathartic. It highlights the fact that there are other people all over the world that can relate to you.I believe that in Twitter we see good examples of both chaotic time and stellar time.

My twitter activity over the years has varied in frequency based on how hectic or relaxed my life is at the time. Most days, in this environment, stellar time prevails. People are constantly expressing the events in their lives in very chronological way, however these events affect several people on my timeline. Usually you would assume that one person's actions in a social networking site would not affect the other people in said site. However, we see that people usually follow similar groups of people over and long period of time. This creates bonds between strangers, which in turn have the most minimalistic aspects of a persons life creating a ripple in the lives of some of their followers. Following people from different cultures or religions can slowly change your perception of that culture or religion.

Another aspect of Twitter time is that it can be extremely chaotic. The amount of random tweets send on a daily basis are amazing. Sometimes people will tweet things that have no rhyme or reason. This is part of what makes this social network unique and keeps it thriving. At any given time someone will come up with a post or comment that is unrelated to anything they have been saying and that is somewhat inconsequential, except to mark how beautifully random Twitter can be. 

I feel that Twitter is an amazing social networking site that provides a mixture of stellar and chaotic time. This creates a unique environment in which people can feel free to express themselves in creative ways. As hard as keeping my thoughts to 160 characters was when I started tweeting I've realized that the limit imposed by the site makes people think in different ways. The limit makes them focus on the important message they want to convey and helps maintain the time equilibrium between chaotic time and stellar time.

Teleological time affects my life and twitter responses the most. This is because most things that I talk about are cause and effect, and linear situations such as preparing for test, studying is going to impact the effect, and the test is the cause. Also I noticed a lot of stellar time from my group mates on twitter, for example one team mate twitted about a beggar on the street she seen walking by, and another team mate talked about someone complimenting her clothes on the bus. I call these things stellar time because they happen randomly, and are not planned. Also I noticed in the tweets that many times people tweeted about their problems and how they were going to overcome their problems. Even I tweeted of a situation I was trying to get out of and how I was going to deal with it. So overall everyone used all types of the three times, but mostly teleological time.

steller time

my life I look at as a series of adventures that are influenced around me and the interaction of others . this would be an example of stellar time. I couldn't picture it being any other way due to the fact that most of my twitter post involve a thought or reaction from others.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


As someone once said “You can’t turn back the clock but you can wind it up again.” Time is a very precious asset that would never go back and is very limited.  24 hours might not even be enough for some us. We can see how different factors influence our time and daily lives categorizing the time in stellar, theological and entropic.

Today’s world is predominated by social media being Twitter and Facebook one of the most famous ones. By being on Twitter for a couple of weeks I noticed people post or “tweet” their thoughts or experiences influenced mostly by stellar time where our everyday life is impacted by situations that are intermingled.  However, teleological time is the one that affected me the most because everything I do or every decision I make has a consequence as in the causality theory.  I personally like better Facebook because I’ve had it for about 5 yrs and I’m already used to it but Twitter can be very useful also.  Previous to this assignment I wouldn’t have created a Twitter account but now I’m starting to like it. Because of its simplicity, Twitter is very easy to use and people can follow their friends, family, favorite artists and even news and be up to date with not only your close ones but with  what’s going on in the world also.