After using twitter for a few days, I have to admit that I am getting the hang of it and…as much as this kills me to admit…enjoying it. I have always been the “anti-twitter” person among my group of friends. I believed that twitters were only necessary and interesting if you were a celebrity or a musician in which case other people actually cared where you were, what you were doing and with whom you were doing it with. Why would anyone care that I was in central park with my friend? Why would anyone care that I’m excited for spring break? Why would anyone care that I’m in class? (Not that I would be twittering in class…) However, I have found that I have used twitter more so as a creative outlet for myself rather than a 411-rundown of my life. When I’m up at 4 in the morning because I drank too many cups of coffee and there’s no one to talk to…I can update my twitter. When I’m dreading going to the gym and no one wants to hear me complain…I can update my twitter. Not that twitter will talk back to me or make me feel any better, but it does allow me to put my thoughts out into the universe when I want and how I want (as long as my thoughts don’t exceed 140 characters.)
The type of time that most influences my life based on twitter is definitely entropic or chaotic time. The time that I tweeted varied from day-to-day. The events that I tweeted about were completely random. However, the type of time that I saw most influenced others’ lives based on twitter was a mix between entropic or chaotic time and stellar time. Some people would tweet about they were feeling (stressed, excited, anxious, sad, ect.) and others (the majority, actually) tweeted about the weather.
I agree I never thought I would be using twitter and enjoying it at that! I also thought that it was mostly used by celebrities and people wanting to follow celebrities (which I did myself). However, after a while I was myself enjoying letting people follow me around and get to know what I was doing. It made me feel like I was someone important as well.