Sunday, March 14, 2010

Twitter and Hypertext

I've been using Twitter account since 2009, but I rarely use it because I always thought the purpose of the Twitter is only putting your status update and knowing the other people's status that we followed. The words that are used for Twitter itself are also limited, so we can't really say anything much unless it's within 140 letters per post. As time passed by, I really think that Twitter is a great social networking after all, because I've been addicted in using the Twitter account now.

I've bassically wrote everything that has been happening with my life recently and it is just a great way to pour all my feeling and emotions so that I don't have to feel the pressure anymore. Observing what I had post in my twitter and what my classmates had posted too on their twitter, makes me believe that almost all of us are influenced by the teleological and stellar time. Most of us put their status that are related to school and makes me believe that we all have one purpose which is to graduate from Baruch College with a good grade. I've been observing this, because I had posted a lot about what I want to achieve from school and the tough time that I had from the assignments that I am assigned to do in order to achieve my goal for the future. It seems everyone that I know experienced similar situation as me. This makes me realized that I'm not the only one that is struggling on my school activities. In addition, every tweets that my friends had put on their twitter affected me in different ways. For example the bad weather that we had a couple days ago. It was raining on the weekend, and it seems most of the people had their leisure time only on the weekends. Many of them were complaining about it, expressing their anger and obviously it makes me upset too, because I was hoping that it was going to be a beautiful sunny day since I had made plans with my friends to go out but then it turned out to be raining the whole day, which causes my planned being cancelled. There were also a situation, where one of my friend tweet about the foods that she ate in one of my favorite restaurant, she even posted a link so everyone could see the picture of it and seeing her tweet makes me crave for the foods, although I'm not that hungry but in the way that she mentioned about the food makes me really want to go to where she was.

The hypertext reading of Borges text is very difficult for me to understand, I have to read over and over again just to get what the author's trying to say to the reader. When I read this, I felt like I'm in the maze trying to figure out the way out from the maze, but then instead of finding the way out, I kept on running into the same way over and over again. I think what the author's trying to say about this reading is to make us realized that we have our own life and its up to us on how we make our life into the way that we wanted to be for the future. We also have to remember on how our sorrounding is like, its not easy to pursue the life that we wanted to achieve, there will always be barrier everywhere we go, but in order for us to get what we wants is to learn over and over again from the previous mistakes that we made. As an example, if we failed for one course, and the course is a requirement for taking other courses that are ralated to our major. We shouldn't give up and throw away our hope, as long as we have an oppurtunity to take the course over, we should do it by learning more and not making the same mistake that we'd made from the same course that we did before.

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