If I had to choose which type of time affects me the most, I'd choose teleological time because I believe that a certain act will eventually lead to another act or event. For example, if I accidentally dropped a quarter near the sewers and someone walking by decides to pick it up. And then this person drops his or her phone in the sewers. I believe that if I hadn't dropped my quarter, they wouldn't have dropped their phone into the sewers. I believe that life is all connected in this enormously large web that connects all events together in some way.
Before this assignment, I had never used Twitter before. In fact, I tried to stay away from most social media websites other than Facebook. I found twitter to be useless and unrewarding. Facebook helped me stay in touch with classmates for academic purposes as well as for old friends to say hi. But now after using Twitter for about a week I can see the aspects of it that give it the reputation that it has. Twitter shows me more about what people think and feel throughout their daily lives and I can actually get their insight and perspective of their lives. After reading many twitter posts over the past week I saw a lot of gloomy posts. I noticed that people posted more often about how stressed they were and the negative aspects of their daily lives. Stress is extremely common during these times of the year because of midterms and jobs and it shows within the twitter posts.
After reading Borge's "Garden of Forking Paths" text I can tell that this story is more of teleological time except there are multiple situations. The story itself is interesting. I didn't expect Yu Tsun to kill Stephen Albert after he told him the answer to a question he's had his entire life. The story that Albert told was about the garden of forking paths. This garden symbolized the idea that when there was a choice of different outcomes, both outcomes would happen. I can tell that the author wanted to express the idea that there are multiple outcomes in life and we're just living in one of them. The idea that we could see the results of each outcome is impossible but the author made it possible in this story.
In our class last night we discussed three types of time that persist in our lives:
a) Teleological time, which is like a cause-->effect, beginning leads to end, linear time that relates to a purpose life
b) Stellar time, in which our life consists of intermingling scenarios that affect our daily lives (think of the movie Crash as an example)
c) Entropic, or chaotic time: life's events are completely random, and therefore there is no purpose or meaning to life
Starting tomorrow and up until Sunday you will use your Twitter account to post and follow responses about your daily activities. Be sure to post/visit at least twice a day, and to post not only experiences but also personal reflections about your studies, personal life, or values. The more you post the better; we want to be aware that there is life going on outside of our classroom--and that life can have an effect on us!
From Sunday-Wednesday, you should post a response on this blog that does the following:
1. Discuss what type of time most influences yours and others' lives based on TWITTER. Were you at all affected by what your peers were writing? Did anything unanticipated happen that ruptured your daily construct of living?
2. Spend about 15 minutes playing with the hypertext reading of Borges' text. What do you think the designer intended for us to learn through this hypertext activity? Did you find yourself running in circles? Were you attracted to certain words more than others? If so, what do you think this says about you?
Before this assignment, I had never used Twitter before. In fact, I tried to stay away from most social media websites other than Facebook. I found twitter to be useless and unrewarding. Facebook helped me stay in touch with classmates for academic purposes as well as for old friends to say hi. But now after using Twitter for about a week I can see the aspects of it that give it the reputation that it has. Twitter shows me more about what people think and feel throughout their daily lives and I can actually get their insight and perspective of their lives. After reading many twitter posts over the past week I saw a lot of gloomy posts. I noticed that people posted more often about how stressed they were and the negative aspects of their daily lives. Stress is extremely common during these times of the year because of midterms and jobs and it shows within the twitter posts.
After reading Borge's "Garden of Forking Paths" text I can tell that this story is more of teleological time except there are multiple situations. The story itself is interesting. I didn't expect Yu Tsun to kill Stephen Albert after he told him the answer to a question he's had his entire life. The story that Albert told was about the garden of forking paths. This garden symbolized the idea that when there was a choice of different outcomes, both outcomes would happen. I can tell that the author wanted to express the idea that there are multiple outcomes in life and we're just living in one of them. The idea that we could see the results of each outcome is impossible but the author made it possible in this story.