Wednesday, October 27, 2010
My view on time
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Time is precious.
In class, we classified time into three different categories; Teleological, stellar, and chaotic time. I've found the majority of my tweets along with those of my classmates fit the criteria's of teleological time. This wasn't a surprise to me, as it is easier to tweet about current daily events such as "I'm going to be late today! Fuck!" than tweets with deeper thoughts, such as "Roses are blue, blah blah blah..." I've had twitter for a year now, but I haven't tweeted for 9 months prior to this assignment. Twitter functions the same way a Facebook status does, so why bother to migrate? I have over 900 friends on Facebook and it would take too much time to rebuild and reconnect those friendships over to twitter. I just simply lack the motivation to do so.
Based on the past few weeks of tweets, and after our last class session, I could recognize each tweet as Teleological, stellar, or chaotic time, and I thought that was quite intriguing, but I still don't completely appreciate the function of twitter. I find it completely pointless and irrelevant to my life. I was only tweeting for the sake of this assignment. Granted that the majority of my "friends" on twitter are classmates whom I haven't connected to or know, it certainly contributes to my I-don't-care attitude regarding twitter. At the same time, if I started following all my close friends and such on twitter, it could possibly spark up my interest if I were to read tweets from the people whom I actually care about, rather than strangers. A tweet from a classmate saying "I failed my midterm today" would have absolutely no impact on me, but if it was the same tweet from one of my best friends, I would instantly message him or her, and offer my condolences and comfort. Thus far, tweets from my classmates had no influence on my life, and I may find twitter pointless and irrelevant, but I do think it has great potential to be amazing if I just gave it a chance. Heh, what am I saying, I don't have time for that.
Reading Borge's text "Garden of Forking Paths" brought several ideas to my attention. I believe that the text is based off chaotic time, that life is random and pointless. Life is a journey filled with complete randomness. Situations are summoned upon us to which we have to make a decision. Similar to levels, after defeating level one, we must proceed to level two, but we could never go back. Time doesn't slow down, wait, or rewind. I don't think of life as a circle, but more of a line with ups and downs, and could be ended at any sudden moment for whatever reason. Everybody live in different lifestyles, but our lifestyles will intervene and collide with others. For example, Albert was murdered at the end of the text, simply because his name was Albert. This shows the randomness in our lives and chaotic theme of time.
I find the concept of teleological time to be most relevant. Any given person’s life is most influenced by his own actions and not the actions of others or the random nature of the universe. This concept of time can probably be best represented by a flow chart, where each choice has a clear consequence. Of course, no one lives in a bubble so our lives and fortunes are affected by other people’s actions and natural occurrences. This idea often comes to mind when you experience an extremely unlikely event. Whether positive or negative you think of how many stars had to align for the resulting outcome to occur. This is of course stellar time and has 2nd biggest impact on our lives. The 3rd type, entropic time has the smallest effect in my opinion. Although the concept of entropy works in physics, it has little effect on our lives. We live in a very structured society, most of us have rigid schedules, and most people consider logic to be the basis for their actions and decisions. Hence, most outcomes are not random.
I find Twitter and many other types of social networks to be rather useless and a waste of time. I find myself bombarded with information that for the most part is useless and has not effect on my life. Sure, I care about what my close friends are doing and find Facebook useful for keeping in touch with friends I don’t speak to regularly. But here comes the problem of borderline friends and acquaintances. Most people I know have at least 200 Facebook friends. Such a high number would make the application unusable to me; to open the site and instinctively start reading all the statuses: So and so is “worried about midterms”, “tired”, “bored”, “got a score of 14321341 in farm wars”, etc. This may be interesting to close friends, if that.
I didn’t learn much from Tweeting. As expected, most people shared minor details of their day. Since I do not closely know most of my classmates, this wasn’t particularly interesting. I certainly appreciated people who tried to be funny, like Joseph. One of his tweets is particularly memorable and illustrates the concept of teleological time: “It’s Jung’s birthday. Jung had a couple of drinks. Jung can’t stand up anymore”. Funny, and insightful. I had trouble thinking of what to tweet since I believe sharing my mood or minute details of my day is a waste of everyone’s time. So I tried to tweet things that were unusual or somewhat funny; with moderate success.
“Garden of Forking Paths” was an interesting story. Deciding to kill a man who explained to you one your greatest questions, so the Germans would know which town to bomb is a great concept. The maze reminded me of parallel universes; in how all the actions and their consequences are tied together as a maze. Sometimes it is amusing to think back how different the outcome would be if only one little detail played out differently. It’s good to analyze past events but the relationships between unrelated occurrences can only teach you so much. In the future, the situation will never repeat itself identically, and you can only plan so many moves ahead. My view of time and the universe is to focus on your actions (teleological) but watch the trends around you (stellar).
Infinite Choices in the Garden of Forking Path
One approach is to spend time with something that is truly fulfilling, like a profession in which work and personal interest overlaps; however, this is a luxury for many people. If we count all the hours which we spend doing something we don't like, and the time which is left for the relevant things, this calculation reveals much about the constraint of time.
Time shows us our limited existence on this planet. Within the large historical context, our life span is just a short insignificant existence. We are a "now" society. In the middle of this adventure called life, people view themselves as important actors believing that their activities and thoughts are an interest to others; however, today everything is fast and nothing is anymore for eternity.
The way we communicate via Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter demonstrates the emptiness in our lives. We share a moment, but by the time others read it, it is already gone. What really transcends? why invest time to become involved in a virtual world which is contra productive but at the same time many seek so much? Also, many television programs have the intention to fill the emptiness in people's life and become their daily companion. I have openly resisted of being absorbed in those virtual worlds like television and virtual social networks; instead, I prefer to invest that time in other more transcendental activities. From my point of view, one of the most precious resources in one's life is time; thus, I try to exploit every single moment learning new things and elevating my own state of social consciousness.
Life is a random fate.
I am not a fan of any social network websites. I still trust the old school of networking, like knowing people through friends or coworkers. Although I have a Facebook account, I ususally don't vistit for two or three weeks. And I only talk to the friends and coworkers. Twitter is very similar to Facebook. I signed up just for this course.
However, I gained unexpected experience from Twitter. From it, I knew what my friends' daily activities were. I virtually shared their emotion and feeling. Mutually, I expressed my thought to them. Sometimes, some post did let me have some deep thought. For example, there was a post by Pyi that Budda said, "We are what we think. All that we are arise with our thought. With our thoughts, we make our world." It is a very good example of stellar time, in which our life is interwined with others. Someone's activities will affect the others.
But Twitter's experience did not alter the course of my life. I still do the same routine job and go to school, which my parents always find their puzzle about. They think that I should focus on working and raising kids, then grow old. They always say: "Life is the road from the beginnig of birth to the end of death. And the road is preset by the heaven." However, I think that life is a random walk. My wife is not my first lover. My kids are not quite planned. My career is not my favorite subject. It is like chaotic time concept, which states that everything occurs randomly.
The garden of forking paths is a fascinating story. It begins with a trivial notice that British troops postponed their attack for a few days. Then it explained why the attack was suspended because of a English professor who was a Chinese sending the message which told the German army the exact location of English army's artillary. What a mess! Next, the story revealed how the Chinese sent the message by killing the person whose name was the same as the town of English army' artillary. It happened that the murdered person loved Chinese culture and had a zeal to create a maze. All the coincidence were connected to make this wonderful stories. Thus, the author intended to illustrate that life is set for a certain fate but random or chaotic events will happen during the course.
Response to twitter/ The garden of Forking Paths
Missioner 35 mostly expresses her feelings instead of talking about certain events, which indicates that her sense of time is not dismantled into tiny pieces of daily events akin to a jigsaw puzzle. The snapshots of her daily routine, which are stored in her mind as the history of her experiences, are not as significant for her as the bigger picture that they create. She doesn’t focus her attention on details but rather she relies on the sensations she acquires throughout the day. Akin to mine, her sense of time is dominated by stealer time. Her posting gave me a window view into a larger picture.
Zackary enjoys his life in details. Most of his time is spent observing and exploring the world, which can possibly mean that his timeline is not allocated evenly. He does not follow time rather he drifts through time smoothly and “clocks in” only when certain events capture his attention. This seems to give him a certain level of control over time. I get a sense of chaos from his uneven allocation of time. However, stealer time also dominates his existence, because there seems to be an order and purpose within his chaotic search. His postings allowed me to zoom into some interesting details e.g. I really liked the R2-D2 influenced swimsuit.
In contrast to Zackary and Missioner 35, Fengli10baruch has a very organized schedule. His postings are about his daily activities, which are comprised of his work, school and family time. His daily routines are planed out and his time is properly allocated. His sense of time seems to have a linear relationship. Thus, his sense of time seems to be teleological. Needless to say, reading his postings woke me and influenced me to act on my own responsibilities.
Borges’ theme was the correlation between time and people. In his work "The Garden of Forking Paths" he stresses that we are all particles of time; the cause of its existence. He also stresses that all of the outcomes and the possibilities of our existence are grandeur. So, we will have to narrow its infinite source and limit ourselves to distinct elements or actions that partake in the creation of time. Those elements are the heroes of his plot. He gives us an access to their sensory mechanisms so we will be able to experience their sense of time as well as explore its infinite possibilities. He forces us to question our ability to influence each other. Or better yet, he makes us wonder if our time alterations start a chain of events or are they just another motion in an endless chaos? I don’t have answers to these questions! But wishfully, I think that our actions do matter, and that we are the ones who compose time and give rise to chain reaction within. Thus, as I mentioned earlier, I am prone to categorize myself as someone who has a stealer sense of time.
Tweet Tweet!
Life is Truly a Garden of Forking Paths
It was nice to see what my classmates were posting. Since they are, of course, not my close friends it was interesting to see how people of different ages and different social groups thought.
Teleological time influences me the most. Out of all my tweets, 50% was teleological, 25% was stellar, and 25% was entropic. Of course, this isn't really surprising since we discussed in class that our society has adapted such a way of thinking. I definitely was affected by what my peers tweeted but mostly in one way. Whenever someone said they wanted something or just had something, then it would make me want it.
There were quite a few things that happened unexpectedly that affected me drastically. As mentioned above, one of my peers had their class canceled on one of the days that it rained heavily. I was jealous and really wanted it too because I was stressed from so many assignments. Lo and behold, my theatre class was canceled one day when I had to give a speech and it was the best feeling ever! Another thing that really disrupted my life, well at least my English class, was that for a while Twitter would not let me post. This made me really stressed because it was preventing me from doing one of the few assignments that I actually wanted to do. My peers said I may have been in Twitter jail but that shouldn't have been the case because that happened when my account was only a few days old. The last major thing that disrupted my life was that a favorite website of mine for reading manga had practically shut down. I say "practically" because the site was still up but you could view any material. To me, it's like finding out that your favorite coffee shop could not serve you coffee anymore.
As for spending 15 minutes playing with the hypertext above, I could not. When I click on the link, it takes me to and says "Sorry, the GeoCities web site you were trying to reach is no longer available." So I guess I can reflect on the Borge's reading to make up, perhaps? I really loved the concept of the reading because I always had a similar way of thinking about time already. Through out our lives we always make choices and it always interests me to think about how different my life would be if I had done things differently. That's why I love the concept of life being a garden of forking paths in time. A movie that really inspired this idea in me was the movie called "The One" starring Jet Li. It was about a life with 122 alternate realities all coexisting at the same time and you could travel between them using a device. So basically, I would like to see how different my other selves would be like if I had taken different paths in life. For now I will just try my best to lead a fun-filled life.
The Garden of Forking Paths
This is the first time I have a Twitter account. Based on what I’ve experienced through Twitter, I can say that the Entropic/Chaotic time is what mostly affects those that are using the social network sites. The things posted are usually random facts or thoughts, and very seldom a collective idea. It usually all stems from one person’s encounter with an idea, which then leads to their followers to think about it, or even give their own views on the comments written. I was never inspired directly by any posts or I could not relate to any of my peers were writing. Most of them write about their daily activities. For example, one of them wrote about going to CVS.
In my opinion, something unanticipated happens in everybody’s life. I had just experienced on event that I have never expected to hear that affected my daily life. I just received call from my country and was told that my mother-in-law who has had treatment for cancer before was diagnosed with cancer again. This news that my life turned upside down right away.
As I read “Garden of Forking Paths” writing by Borges, mentioned us an infinite time consist of lives. As I understood, there are many paths in our lives and our lives included many time periods. For example, I came to the United States 8 years ago myself. I started a new life here. I met many people and I met my husband. If I did not come here I have no idea my life would be same or not.
Twitter and Time
For me, I mostly fall into teleological and entropic time. As teleological time, I always post what my morning activity is and how I ended the day. Maybe, I complain about the homework and assignments I need to do and didn’t do it and ended with a low score on midterms. Sometimes I would say, “What a beautiful day” in the morning, “The day becomes boring after attending a few classes” in afternoon, “What a day, so tired” in evening, and ended with, “Looking forward to tomorrow” at night. As for chaotic time, I often feel that there’s no meaning in our lives. I am not sure others, but sometimes, I happen to be like this. I was staring at the computer knowing I have a lot to do but don’t know which parts I should start. Because of this feeling, I was posting random stuffs on twitter. For example, “blank blank blank”, “me 2”, or “arrr ……..” Sort of posts like that.
Most of my friends’ posts would fall into teleological time. Some of my classmates post like this, “I should get an extra credit for being the first one to do the assignment”, “3:11 too late”, “Just finished the assignment, the reading is difficult”, “need to finish writing an assignment”, and sort of like that. We are posting the “cause and effect” posts. Because of this, I feel that way. Because of that, this happens. All sorts of based on the teleological time. Surprising, most of the posts are about their daily and school lives.
I think the Garden of Forking Paths trying to tell us that life is a circle where whatever action you do will lead to one another. A lot of students think they are so stressful about the workloads they need to do during the undergraduate. Therefore, they want to finish as soon as possible, get a job, and out of a stress. What they don’t realize is that by the time they get a job, the action, they are going to get more stress, which will lead back to previous circle, being stressful. They are more stressful because they will eventually have a family to take care of and they need to focus more on the job, otherwise, they chances are they will get fired. Therefore, it just leads back to the way they are.
I also think this story is about chaotic time. There are a lot of actions in here. It’s so chaotic that I can’t follow at first. I like the way Albert said. At the end of the story, he said, “’In contrast to Newton and Schopenhauer, your ancestor did not believe in a uniform, absolute time. He believed in an infinite series of time, in a growing, dizzying net of divergent, convergent and parallel time”. The infinite time can be proved that there’s a lot entropic time going on where lives’ events are totally random and there’s no meaning to lives.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Another Inspection
You want hear my thoughts about Twitter? My feedback is that Twitter kind of boring to me, even though I am basically twitter newbie, and I just signed up this month but so far I am not very impressed. I mean sometimes I do response to other people’s posts if I think they are interesting, but most of time, I feel I am observing other people’s live every minute of the day. But I have to say there is a beauty of Twitter—If you do not like someone’s tweets, you do not need to follow him or her.
Most the posts from people I am following are about personal thoughts and what they are doing throughout the day, and so they are living in teleological time. Examples are like “I am waiting for the subway”; “more and more middle terms are coming” or “they lack of sleeping”. I also notice that people are using cyber shortcut words, such as Jennyhapper posted her twitter on October 18th “Just want to say gd nite to everyone. ” and in some other posts such as LOL, Mid, OMG and so on.” These posts make their unique way of being interesting. Some of mine post are actually belong to chaotic time, for instance, I post “Yankee lost” today, but I knew that from yesterday night, I even watched the entire game, but I do not understand why I post one day after.
“The Garden of Forking Paths” is a short story written by Borges. I feel reading the story is like being brain-washed. Time line is jumping everywhere, perhaps it is not the story problem but I am not very into it. I think the story is telling the readers about how time affects people live, it is like the movie “Inspection”—when you think something important is happening right now, it might be just an choice that lead to many different results.
Twitter and every fork in the road
From my experience with twitter account, I find most of our classmates like to post their daily activities, such as what is going on from day to day, which would put their tweets in teleological time. During the midterm, most peers posted how they study for their midterm. Most students use Twitter as a form of relieve stress from midterm because they don't want to fail the exam. They want to get a good grade by studying hard. Some peers' tweets belong in entropic or chaotic time. Their posting are totally random. I think my tweets are in stellar time. I like to post daily life that affect my emotion, such as how my work-load affects my mood. I’m not really affected by what my peers were writing. But some of our classmate like to post what is going on our class’s assignment, like Genesismiao posted, “Final draft due this Sunday, not tomorrow...” on 10/11/10. When I saw his posting, I started nervous and called other classmates to confirm. Sometimes it is good to see what are others thinking about and what do they do for daily through twitter.
After reading "The Garden of Forking Paths" by Borges, I think his time in stellar time. As I understand it this story indicate there are serial results in the labyrinth. In every forking selection process, the future timeline results in difference dimensions. It leads to totally different scenarios. Some would lead to tragedy; while others would lead to happiness. You have to choose the right path. Otherwise, let fake to guide you. In every turning point, you have to make a decision. Be responsible for your own choice.
Friday, October 22, 2010
twitter and the daily life
Most twees live in the teleological time. Many of them post their daily activties on the twitter. Some people post the reflect about the movie after they watched it. They pretty likly follow their daily routine. Even though most peers's post does not connect to mine, some interesting post do get me attention and tend to write something back for comment or support. For instance, someone and me have same emotion feeling to the particular moving, I feel the bone to that person and I will write back said something like, "ownsome, the actor name "xx" he got talent to..." The life do not goes as you are plaining, last nigh I planed to wake up at 5 o'clock for preparing my phsychological exam, but the alert turn off for some reason; when I woke up it was 7:05 in the morning, the exam would start at 8:40am. I knew I do not have any time to study it before the exam. I was stress in this morning because I anticipate to get a better score in my second exam. Now I totally ruin my plan and mad at myself.
After I read the text "The Garden of Forking Paths" by Borge, I learn that lives never be end as long as you are alive. Probably life is circle, people live from one stop to the other stop. There are options out there as individual make difference choices. Then varity options would lead to several different reasults. I think perhaps we are runing in a circle, the different is we are sort of not in the same page and experiencing unlikly life styles.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Twitter and Our Paths
I have noticed that most of my tweets are in teleological time in which I tweet about what is going on in school, what I did (manicure, went to a baby shower), what I had for dinner, etc. A few of my tweets are in stellar time, like today I had to get up extra early to take my car to have it serviced and I tweeted something like what was I thinking to schedule such an early appointment; and another time I was feeling down but was trying to be positive so I tweeted that I was going to have a good day.It was interesting to read my peer's tweet, I looked forward to read their posts, but it did not affect me in any way. They did tweet about different things but it was mostly about school.
Borge's The Garden of Forking Paths was not an easy reading for me. First I did not get it, only after our review in class it got clear for me. I think the writer used the stellar time, as I understood, it is about the different ways or paths we can take in our lives. Twitter in some way relates to our paths, we choose what to tweet and that might affect us or others in a way.